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Reece Anderson


Keller Texas USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 3:12 pm    
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My visit to New York on Feb.25th and 26th was an event I will never forget.

HowardR and Bill M. were kind enough to meet me when I got off the plane. HowardR had to go back to his amazing hat business for a little while, so Bill M. was stuck with me until dinner when we were to again have HowardR join us.

Bill asked if I wanted lunch and I said, how about us having a hamburger and a coke....about 30 minutes and $39.00 later plus tip, (the hamburger was big and tasted great)I was experiencing what I consider to be one of the greatest cities in the world, and I was fortunate to have a first class tour guide who is possibly a member of the Chamber Of Commerce Bill is very proud of the city and surrounding areas where he lives, as well he should be. I was VERY impressed with every aspect of the city and its people.

The workshop started promptly at 10:00 Sunday morning. I was very gratified to meet so many with positive attitudes proudly sitting behind all kinds of steel guitars.

From a teachers perspective, one specific instance told me everything I needed to know about those in attendance less than an hour into the workshop....after I gave each one their SmarTab package (and again reminded them, they were my first SmarTab victims)I asked them to turn to the first song. I then told them of the different songs written, and explained the information contained in SmarTab, which took only a few minutes.

I asked them to begin playing the SmarTab. While they were doing so, I took the opportunity to approach and talk with each individual and was astounded to find NOT ONE person had turned one page to explore other SmarTabs which were included. This was a clear indication to me, everyone there was totally focused and committed to that which I had presented.

Having the privilege to teach many who are open minded, focused and willing to accept new ideas and suggestions, made the entire event a great and personally fullfilling pleasure for me.

It was totally clear everyone in attendance was willing and able to participate in every aspect of learning and playing.

I can only hope everyone there enjoyed the workshop as as much as I enjoyed having the privilege and honor of meeting and presenting my new teaching direction to them.

My sincere thanks for attending goes to:
Bill McCloskey
Jim Cohen
Steve Alcott
Gerald Menke
David Doggett
Tony Palmer
Kevin Macken
John Light
Bob Godfried
John McCall
Lance Coleman
Dave Van Allen
Ed Bierly
Hiro Keitora
Stephen Miller
Peter Filler
If I missed anyone, please forgive me.

An hour and a half after the workshop, HowardR had me back at LaGuardia airport prepared to leave at 7:02. My flight was delayed for almost two hours due to a closed runway because of high cross winds.

Finally on our way at almost 9:00 local time we were number 5 to take off, and about 30 minutes later we were cleared for takeoff. Instead of the usual takeoff run we got to about 40 miles per hour and turned off and went back to the gate where we had departed.

The pilot informed us the right engine starter had failed and had to be replaced. (they taxi with only one engine to conserve fuel, and only start the other just before takeoff...or try too in this instance).

The end result was, I got home just before 2:00 am the next morning.... the good thing is, I had a window seat, and there was not one cloud between NYC and DFW airport to spoil a magnificent view of the cities of this great country and the beautiful lights.

Thanks again to everyone for their hospitality and all courtesies extended. I hope to somday have the privilege of returning.

A BIG thanks again to my friend HowardR for making this wonderful event possible!

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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 3:55 pm    
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It was great to see you again, and to have the opportunity to learn from you once more, as I have done many times through the years. Thank you for sharing your insights into the organization of music and the mind of the steel guitarist. The principles you discussed are as applicable to 12-string, 10-string, 8-string, whatever-string, C6, E9, Q23, or Piano88. In the end it's all music. Of course, one needs to know where to find it on one's instrument but your focus was, appropriately, on the range of possibilities available to play at any moment.

And, of course, it was a rare treat and honor for me to be able to jam with you.

I'll look forward to seeing you in Dallas soon, my friend.

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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 4:35 pm    
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I don't remember any seminar that's been documented in such detail! Several students have posted about in over in the NP section, and now we have the Teacher's perspective.

It sure sounds like a fantastic event. Thanks to all that posted. It make me wish I could have been there.

Special thanks to HowardR for making it happen!
(and I wasn't even there)
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N.Y.C.-Fire Island-Asheville
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 5:27 pm    
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wish I could have been there.

Joey, there's an old saying...."Opportunity Knocks Once."

But I have the feeling that it won't apply here....

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Bill McCloskey

Nanuet, NY
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 7:48 pm    
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I'm sorry to hear about your return flight: I'm guessing New York just didn't want to let you go.

Looking forward to seeing you in Dallas next week my friend.

Bugers are on me down there.
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Bill McCloskey

Nanuet, NY
Post  Posted 28 Feb 2006 8:02 pm    
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You forgot to mention the great New York City Street musicians we heard!

I thought Reece was going to shave his head and join them right there and then.

Hari Krishna ya'll.
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Reece Anderson


Keller Texas USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 7:19 am    
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Jim C....I appreciate you as a friend more than I can tell you. It was a pleasure to see you, and an honor to have you play along side me. Now I can add your name to my resume of greats I have been fortunate enough to play music with.

See you in Dallas in a few days, and lets do it again.

Joey A....Am I gonna have to set up a workshop in your home town to get to meet you......or......Would you consider a block party where you live!

Bill M....Thanks for reminding me about the great street band we heard. All I remembered was the band leaders name was "Harry" something or the other.
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Tony Palmer

St Augustine,FL
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 7:36 am    
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It all started with an idea and I'm guessing it was Howard's to bring you to NY, and for that, I thank him immensely.
I'm glad you enjoyed New York, Reese, you should have stayed another day or so and done the whole tourist thing....the museums alone are worth devoting a couple of days.
I echo Jim Cohen's comments, the seminar was so successful because it was really about music first and foremost....and then about C6th (but it could just as easily been about E9, etc)
For me, I finally made the elusive connection with C6 I was looking for.
Thanks again.
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 7:47 am    
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Reece-I am glad you made it back home safely.
It seems those airlines are always having maintenance problems of one kind or

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Reece Anderson


Keller Texas USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 11:25 am    
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Tony P....I congratulate your insight. Relatively few who play have made the mental connection that its not how many songs one knows,....the secret of learning is recognizing the fact that musical consistencies exist in every song as well as within every tuning. Once these principals of movement are understood and adhered too, the world of music can then truly be enjoyed and explored freely.

Al M....Yep the airlines have their share of problems, but its great to know they find and fix most all of them while they're still on the ground. Wish you could have been with me in New York.

Al M....
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David Wren

Placerville, California, USA
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 4:13 pm    
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Hey Reece, how bout a workshop in Placerville, CA? (Hee Hee) Really nice to see the notes from a gathering like this, one of these days....

Dave Wren
'95Carter S12-E9/B6,7X7; Twin Session 500s; Hilton Pedal; Black Box

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