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Author Topic:  Beginner C6 question... The feet feats
Geoff Barnes

Sydney, Australia
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2010 3:36 pm    
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After an interruption of a couple of years due to health issues (severe nerve damage causing 80% paralysis of all extremities)… My nervous system has restored itself enough to attempt re-learning the C6 neck. … I had just started on this path when I was forced to stop, so hadn’t done much more than skim the material.

Feet: Apart from “split positions” i.e. pedals 5& 7 together, does the left foot work pedals 5, 6, 7 & 8?

Or does the left foot cover pedals 5 & 6 whilst the right foot covers 7 & 8?

I am getting all tangled up under there, particularly when rolling across two pedals… I am learning a tune from the B.E. beginner course where I have to hold 7&8 then roll off to pedal 8 only… followed by a run where pedal 5 is immediately followed by pedal 6… two ankle rolls in a row.
Finding the speed and accuracy to make the jump(s) with the left foot is one issue that I guess will come with time. But the 7-8 roll with the left gets in the way of the knee lever. Laughing
There has to be a way to do this naturally and whilst Mr. Emmons book is excellently written and easy to follow (particularly his section on pockets)… there is not much written on foot placement for this neck.
Too much equipment....I think I need help.
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Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2010 4:48 pm    
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I use my left foot for all the 1 pedal and 2 adjacent pedal C6 pedal combos. Give it some time and it will become second nature. Just look at how many bass pedals an organ player hits with each foot.

Here's a neat C6 run that uses 3 pedals at once and for that I use both feet at the same time:

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Paul Crawford

Orlando, Fl
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2010 5:58 pm    
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I'm in the other camp, I use both feet. I just set the volume pedal to where I want it and forget it. I play an 8/7 set up that keeps the left knee fairly constrained in the middle of the guitar and I'm not sure I could easily hit P8 with my left foot if I wanted to without touching my LKR. Using both feet feels like the natural approach to me.
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Clete Ritta

San Antonio, Texas
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2010 7:51 pm    
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Thanks Greg, I appreciate that very much. Anything on C6 like this is extremely helpful to me. I am just getting my feet wet on this neck, and man is it fun!


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Geoff Barnes

Sydney, Australia
Post  Posted 2 Oct 2010 9:28 pm    
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Thanks Greg for taking time to post the TAB and soundbite...very tasty... I love the richness of this neck... The sound is so lush and addictive.
Like Paul, I am finding the left foot gets in the way of the knee levers around p8 (particularly rolling off p7 & 8 into p8 )...I'm kinda squirming in my chair to do it Laughing
Whilst two feet is reasonably comfortable, My main worry is that I am setting myself up with a bad habit that will need to be broken as I become more proficient.
Too much equipment....I think I need help.
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Eric Philippsen

Central Florida USA
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2010 4:19 am    
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I use my left foot on the pedals but find that the hardest one to accurately "find" in quick passages is the 8th. Yet, as Greg mentions, look at the number of bass pedals organ players have to learn. It all comes with practice.

And speakin' of practice, all I do when I practice is C6th! 75% of what I do when gigging is E9th! If pedal steel is an addiction for me, which it is, then the rear neck is an obsession.
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