Why do you use Windows?

The machines we love to hate

Moderator: Wiz Feinberg

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Why do you use Windows?

My first computer was Windows
Windows is what I use for work/clients
I want to build my own computer
No votes
Too expensive
No votes
Too much trouble to learn a new OS
Because my applications require it.
Total votes: 30

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Cal Sharp
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Why do you use Windows?

Post by Cal Sharp »

I see so much bleating about the Windows OS (Operating System) here that it makes me wonder why so many of you use it. b0b did nickname the Computer Topic “The machines we love to hate”. There are alternatives. Windows does have about 90% of the personal computer market, so consequently you would expect more questions about it, but most of those issues, especially the security ones, are moot points with Mac or Linux. I’m not trying to start a Win vs Mac vs Linux flame war, I’m just curious.
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Wiz Feinberg
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Post by Wiz Feinberg »

I use Windows because my applications require it. I also maintain a Ubuntu computer, used by friends and my Daughter, for browsing the 'Net and instant messaging.
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Cal Sharp
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Post by Cal Sharp »

Good point, Wiz, I should revise my poll.
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Cal Sharp
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Post by Cal Sharp »

Well, I guess you can't edit a poll.

I live in Photoshop and Dreamweaver, which won't run conveniently, if at all, on Linux. As you know, I use Mac most of the time.
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Post by b0b »

I have several computers that are dedicated to different tasks. One is the Forum business computer - I've been using QuickBooks from day one, so I'll probably keep running Windows XP for that one until an upgrade forces me to buy new hardware. Another is my music mastering machine that runs Windows 2000. I can't justify buying new audio mastering software as long as this old workhorse keeps chugging along.

My laptop, my home computer and the web server are all Macs. My secondary web server is a Dell running FreeBSD. I've just never had a reason to upgrade that one either.

I added Wiz's option to your poll.
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Cal Sharp
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Post by Cal Sharp »

I added Wiz's option to your poll.
Thanks, b0b.
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Chris Dorch
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Post by Chris Dorch »

I use Windows because I love it (except for XP).
I use Windows because my job requires me to use it as we are a partner with Microsoft.
I use Windows because my customers use it.
I use Windows because the programs I use were written exclusively for it.
I use Windows because I have a great dislike for Apple and all of it's products (my ranting on this point would become tedious quite quickly).
I don't use Linux but I have and I don't mind it.
I know that Leopard/Snow Leopard (Apple's Vista!) run a Linux backend but that doesn't make me want to use them.

I didn't vote on any of your items because there isn't just one reason. If my Wife wants a Mac, I will buy it for her. But I doubt she'll even want one.
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Jack Stoner
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Post by Jack Stoner »

I have to agree with Chris.

One specific point, I don't like Apple and it's control approach to any product. I don't own an iPod, I don't own an iPhone, idon't own an iPad,I don't have Quicktime on my PC, etc.

When I started out, for my personal use, I could have gone either way after having Commodore PC's - Apple or Microsoft OS PC. I chose the Microsoft OS PC as Apple had a closed architecture at the time - if you bought an Apple you were limited to only buying any upgrades/devices including printers from Apple at the time. Software applications were also very limited in availability.

Also, my work was all Microsoft OS PC based including providing Help Desk hardware support so I had to learn that system. I also used XENIX (a version of UNIX)on some workstations. In the commercial world, Apple could not compete with NT/Windows based PC's. In 1994 SSA did a very in depth study comparing Apple and Microsoft OS based PC's for their next generation workstations at the SSA offices and given the very large implementation Apple came in way behind NT4/Windows for the client servers and workstations. Apple could not support the required Token Ring for the LAN's (only supported Ethernet) and did not have staff that could have supported the hardware and software required. SSA, on their system upgrade installed 1750 LAN's and 55,000 workstations (PC's) along with printers, scanners, and the communications links.
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Post by John Floyd »

Jack Wrote
When I started out, for my personal use, I could have gone either way after having Commodore PC's - Apple or Microsoft OS PC. I chose the Microsoft OS PC as Apple had a closed architecture at the time - if you bought an Apple you were limited to only buying any upgrades/devices including printers from Apple at the time. Software applications were also very limited in availability.

I invested a few thousand bucks into an Apple IIc and Everything I could Find in Software Even as much as $400 for a 3 In Floppy Drive Upgrade, Twice. They even gave you a new motherboard in the upgrade. Thats when I became Suspicious of apple, because the 2nd Floppy drive still cost another $400. I feel like I was Raped by Apple over and over again over the years. What a Huge Ripoff they pulled on the public.
I am permenantly Through with Apple, Never Again. :x
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Post by Richard Sinkler »

Like others, I have a small fortune invested in software that does not run on a Mac. That's not to say that Mac versions are not available.

Like Jack, I don't like Apple's stand on not allowing companies to make clones, accessories, and third party parts and bring the costs down. I also don't use an iPod, iPad, or any of the other Apple products except for Itunes. Although I have used Napster more, I find the quality of the downloads on Itunes to be of better quality.

But then, I have some serious problems with Micr$h*t and their methods of doing business and forcing other, better products (like Borland) out of the marketplace.
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Post by Bent Romnes »

I pushed "I've considered switching..."
I found what I really want: An iMac with all the goodies and a 27" monitor. I liked what I saw so much that I would be willing to take a week's course to learn it.
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Post by Mitch Drumm »

I could choose 3 or 4 of the choices offered in the poll.

The bottom line is that I have no significant reason to change. I was a fair Macskinner 15 years ago, but gave up entirely on them when I decided to build my own machines circa 1997.

I don’t have any significant issues with Windows and I know there is complaining about Apple products on any forum devoted to them.

Even if Macs were open architecture and could be built as easily and cheaply at home as a PC, I still wouldn’t change—I’d have to replace a bunch of software and go through a long learning curve---for what? So I can be in the club/cult?

The entire Apple culture as presented by its marketing department has always put me off. Too defensive, too much of the David/Goliath bit, and too much reliance on the “coolness” factor for its gadgets. God forbid anyone could do without an I-whatever.

I didn’t feel that strongly in 1997. At that time, Apple was just another computer platform and I rejected it only due to the closed architecture and expense. Since then, the company has morphed into other areas and its portrayed image has become insufferable to the point that I would actively avoid buying Apple products.

Other than computers, it’s a moot point anyway—I don’t do cell phones or electronic gadgetry in general.
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Post by Tony Glassman »

I use Mac except at work as our Medical group requires MS for billing and email.

My wife repairs and maintains about 2000 computers for our school district which uses both Mac and PC. There were so many less issues and downtime with the Apple units we decide to switch over 5 years ago.

The only problem I've ever had w/ my MacBook was a damaged hard-drive after dropping it from 5' onto a tile floor. Apple replaced the drive for free.
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Post by John Swindle »

I use Linux, so I guess I don't get to vote. But I will say I'm a little surprised to see so few votes for "Too much trouble to learn a new OS". Just about everyone I know or encounter online seems to lean that way. I think most users don't want to be computer experts - they just want to check their email, pay a bill, and get on with their lives. Spending a lot of time learning a new system is just not attractive to them.
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Post by Travis Hillis »

I use Windows because I cant set up my Dial-Up connection in ubuntu, which I use for audio stuff. I have two desktops one dual-booted with Windows 7/Ubuntu and the other Vista/Ubuntu.
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Wiz Feinberg
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Post by Wiz Feinberg »

Travis Hillis wrote:I use Windows because I cant set up my Dial-Up connection in ubuntu, which I use for audio stuff. I have two desktops one dual-booted with Windows 7/Ubuntu and the other Vista/Ubuntu.
Have you searched for generic modem drivers for Ubuntu?
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Travis Hillis
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Post by Travis Hillis »

I think I did with my old computer(couldnt find them) but not with my new one. I think I'll look around.
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Post by Wiz Feinberg »

Travis Hillis wrote:I think I did with my old computer(couldnt find them) but not with my new one. I think I'll look around.
The Ubuntu forums have sections where people ask for and receive advice on drivers.
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