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Author Topic:  Programming A Strobostomp 2
Boo Bernstein


Los Angeles, CA
Post  Posted 11 Jul 2010 6:29 pm    
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I was getting ready to program some off-sets into a Strobostomp 2 pedal. The instructions direct you to hold the Menu button while you plug a cord into the input to get into Program Mode. Then they direct you to tap in the cent value for each note with the Select button. However, when you push the Select button, it is all positive values. How do you program in negative values (for instance, -4)? I can't seem to figure it out and the instruction don't explain this.

Can anyone give me some direction? Thanks in advance for your help.

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Butch Pytko


Orlando, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2010 4:21 pm    
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I did a lot of programming into S1, S2, S3, & S4. I had the same problem you're having & was left to figuring it out myself. The so-called manual is about 50% user-friendly! What you have to do, is when you bring up the note to program--there is only ONE way you can go thru the Plus & Minus modes. I think when you bring up the note--say "C"--it will give the value of +00.0, then if you want -04.0, you are forced to hold down the SELECT button & scroll thru the plus values all the way to I believe +49.0, then it automatically switches over to the minus mode of -48.9 & starts descending. Be careful when you scroll fast, as you might pass the value you want--if you pass it, then you'll have to go thru all the values again!! This is one of the faults of the Strobostomp 2--they should of configured separate buttons for the Plus & Minus modes to make it easier. They should also rewrite the so-called manual! However, I really love my Strobostomp--it really has made my tune-ups a lot easier!

I hope this helps. If you have any more trouble, let me know.
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Boo Bernstein


Los Angeles, CA
Post  Posted 12 Jul 2010 8:12 pm    
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Thank you so much, Butch. Larry Petree also sent me an email with this info. It was not a particularly intuitive move -- I actually started experimenting with that idea, but when I got up to about +40, I figured there must be something I'm doing wrong! LOL.

Thanks to both of you for your help. The Forum is an amazing resource!

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