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John Groover McDuffie

LA California, USA
Post  Posted 26 Jun 2010 10:46 pm    
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IMHO luthiery can be divided into two categories: 1)things that require nothing more than clear instructions to be sucessfully executed - setting the intonation on a guitar with a Tune-o-matic bridge might be an example; and 2)things that require a lot of feel aquired through lots of experience - a good example of that would be seating frets with a hammer. In which category would you place setting up a resonator guitar cone, spyder, and action?

Has anyone done this proceedure following the instructions on the Stew-Mac site?:

bonus question: Anyone know a lutier in the LA area who is really good at setting up spyder style resophonic guitars?
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Robert Murphy

West Virginia
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2010 2:32 am    
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It all depends on your level of mechanical aptitude. I have been blessed with being able to work with my hands, I am a mechanic and a carpenter for 40 years. I fix things. I do most of my own set ups and mods with the aid of clear instructions, go advice and the proper tools. But it's hard to beat a man at his own trade. A luthier I am not.
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Billy Gilbert


Texas, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2010 10:42 pm     Reso set-up
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Those instructions should work but I would lower the bridge inserts a little more than that. If the inserts touch the handrest when the strings are slack it would make changing strings a littler more difficult even if you change them one at a time. If any of your spider legs are much more than a sixteenth of an inch high you have a very good chance of breaking them.
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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 28 Jun 2010 6:44 am    
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In which category would you place setting up a resonator guitar cone, spyder, and action?

Well, I've done most of that before on various instruments, so I'd say it fits into category 1) as you define it. If you take your time, it's pretty easy to do these things.

I'd suggest contacting McCabe's in Santa Monica if you need an experienced luthier. If they don't have the experience, they'll be able to direct you to the appropriate person.
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