Emmons guitar co.

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Ivano Malavasi
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Post by Ivano Malavasi »

Greetings to you all

Now I write this for all those who, like myself, have believed and believe in the good name of Emmons Co.
A Big Name company is recognizable, apart from his good name and the quality of its product, even for the "humility" with which he accepts a mistake.
I never questioned their ability to build great guitars, but I questioned their professionalism in handling a particular case like mine, where in front of an unexpected problem, a customer "first" is reassured from the beginning that the matter will be resolved in the best way, and "then" change completly attitude and doesn't keep faith of their promises.
A Forum, for its own form of aggregation and dissemination, must also be a way to report bad behaviour of anyone.
A complaint could be something good if it has valid reasons.
Everything that was said will be certified by me and evincible at any time.
We are talking about a very long period of time in which we tried in every way, I should say in a correct and friendly way, to resolve the matter in private, but it was like hitting a concrete wall.
I don't think many of you would like to be ignored for months, in an endless waiting, not knowing if it ever will be resolved.
I'm only asking to regain my Emmons LeGrand III (not without Pedalboard), paid more than two years ago, which has already cost me the sum of $ 5,700.00 plus taxes and that I still cannot use.
I never had in mind to cause damage to someone, and it's not in my way of thinking and living life, and I prayed to avoid this, but when things get worste and people treat you wrong, we must defend ourselves and fight.
Anyway, I'm still trying to have a private contact with the company (if they want to answer) as for the latest attempt to obtein what I've paid for, then we'll see.

Ivano Malavasi
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Carson Leighton
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Post by Carson Leighton »

How about letting the Emmons Co. work out there own problems...Carson
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

Buddy Castleberry:

Your intitial post on this thread is hopelessly wide of the mark. You made some outrageous accusations, and clearly are not in possession of the true facts regarding the Aycoth's short-lived management of the company.

I'm happy that this thread has not been closed (as per your repeated request) before a question mark could be placed against your allegations.

Check your facts!
Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
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Ben Jones
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Post by Ben Jones »

I'd be going ape by now.
Ivano, you have my respect for handling this with such grace and dignity. i am so sorry this has happened and hope it is made right quickly by whatever means possible.
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Tony Glassman
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Post by Tony Glassman »

I'm getting tired of this gut-wrenching story. It looks like it is still a long way from being resolved.

Someone mentioned that that they had a line on a new pedal rack. Others offered to chip in to defray the cost. I'd be willing to chip in $20.00 just to get this poor guy playing his Emmons, and put an end to this running gun-battle!
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Gary Preston
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Post by Gary Preston »

:D Maybe i should keep out of this !!!! I don't know how much a new Emmons pedalboard would cost but Mr. Lashley does . Why not get a new pedalboard to these nice guys in Italy and shut this post down ??? Sometime it is better to eat crow ( if thats the case ) and get on with life ! This subject would be somewhat forgotten after a bit and Emmons would be back to selling guitars without this haunting them ! ''PLEASE '' i am not taking sides and i am not looking to answer any '' flaming '' opposition to this ! We all know there are problems in business that has to be addressed and this is the only to resolve any problem . So i hope that both partys can come to a happy medium and get on with their lives . By the way ,i do love my new ( 2008 ) Emmons LeGrande lll . God bless us one and all . G.P.
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Ivano Malavasi
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Post by Ivano Malavasi »

Hi Gary,
I saw the photo of your Le Grande. is beautiful and when I got the same pedalboard will post the photo of my black Le Grande III
also I love my guitars Emmons
thanks :)
Jim Phelps
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Post by Jim Phelps »

Carson Leighton wrote:How about letting the Emmons Co. work out there own problems...Carson
How about <b>because people are paying thousands of dollars up front and then waiting for 2 years for their guitars and then not getting a pedal board???</b>
jay thompson
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Emmons Co.

Post by jay thompson »

I'm with Tony. $20 from here towards resolving this issue.
Roger, Do you have all the facts? If so, I would surely like to know what I have missed.
I, like Erv, also have room for more Emmons guitars, direct from the company, or from any one who wants to make a statement by giving their Emmons guitars to me.
I doubt that any one, or company, is going to get on any public forum to resolve an individual issue.
This will be resolved, just not here.
Regards, Jay Thompson
Jack Strayhorn
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Post by Jack Strayhorn »

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Richard Sinkler
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Post by Richard Sinkler »


Actually, I would take an Emmons. That statement was made in the heat of the moment. I still have no doubt they make top quality guitars. But, their business ethics are pretty crappy.

And, Gary said a mouthful. What can it possibly hurt Emmons to ship the guy a pedal board? I think their reputation is worth more than their cost to make one. Their reputation isn't worth squat now, and each of these stories that surface just takes them down further.
Carter D10 8p/8k, Dekley S10 3p/4k C6 setup,Regal RD40 Dobro, NV400, NV112 . Playing for 53 years and still counting.
Dave Diehl
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Post by Dave Diehl »

Roger knows more than you think Jack and appearently more than you in that respect.. so be careful!
jay thompson
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Emmons Co.

Post by jay thompson »

We are waiting to be set strait by Roger.
Regards, Jay Thompson
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »

I'm simply saying that there is far more to this matter than meets the eye.

Jack: I recall you once saying here on the Forum that I'd got my facts wrong when I stated that, on my very first visit to the Emmons Co in mid-1998, I was received by Jim Aycoth. You said that he wasn't there at that time. Well - he was! I should know - I emigrated to the USA earlier that year and drove from Roanoke (the location of my first-ever American gig at Mill Mountain Theatre) to check on the progress of my new SD-10 LeGrande 111. I met both Jim and Joann on that occasion.

I'm hardly likely to forget that particular year and the events that took place; it was a life-changing time for me. I can't imagine why you'd want to contradict those facts, but there they are.

I am not at liberty to discuss the details and the background to the changes that took place, because two of the parties concerned are no longer with us - Ron Sr and Jim Aycoth. Some seem to have a vested interest in misrepresenting the facts, but I won't air these matters on a public forum. I don't know much about libel laws, but I'd urge caution here; I'm certainly going to exercise caution myself.
Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
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Carson Leighton
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Emmons Co.l

Post by Carson Leighton »

The Emmons Co. should live up to their word..If their word is no good,, then they are no good. (words of my father). I really wouldn't want to see this company go under.
In regards to what Jim Phelps said: A lot of folks have lost a lot of money and have never received anything...This is not acceptable...
However,,I still think that the problems that involve the Emmons Guitar Co. should be left to the Company...
Posting commments on the net. where ever it might be could ruin this company..
Another thing: If the Emmons Co. goes belly up , it won't affect Buddy Emmons or anything that BE stands for at all and we all know that, period.....Carson
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Andy Sandoval
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Post by Andy Sandoval »

Carson Leighton wrote:I still think that the problems that involve the Emmons Guitar Co. should be left to the Company...
Posting commments on the net. where ever it might be could ruin this company.
Oh, they'd love that, then they could have swept this whole incident under the carpet without anyone knowing. As for comments on the net ruining their business, It's their actions not comments that's gonna ruin their business.
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Paolo Ercoli
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Post by Paolo Ercoli »

ciao guys,
you all are right, saying and thinking bad things is never right and never nice, and I understand some of you that keep thinking that anyway the people of Emmons are ok, like Erv thinks (...how I wish that this could happen to you...) , and probably they are with a lot of other people. I can only say that they still have to learn a "polite business way to act" with their customers, especially for who is far away and maybe may have problems, A nice email saying, asking, what's going on and "how can we help better", is not so difficult, I think. What they are afraid of ? That Ivano is teasing them ? After he already gave them more than 5000 dollars (he already gave all these money, did you understand it). So, what's the problem in asking "hey Ivano, is there something we can do for you?" . And I mean, privately. Yes, you're right, this thing should be closed privately, but, what do you think we have tried to do in these 2 years ? Privately we got silence, they also didn't answer the phone. Did you understand how they treated Ivano. Let's think for a second that Ivano really didn't put that pedalboard into the case to shipping it back. Emmons Company, but I mean, a normal Company, could write back in this way to his customers ? : (I copy what they have written) WE HAVE FULLFILLED OUR OBILIGATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF YOU HAVE MISPLACED YOUR PEDAL BOARD CONTACT A DEALER AND GET A NEW ONE!
Is this the way to talk ? Instead of saying "hey Ivano, are you sure you have put that pedalboard, we cannot find it, now let's think together what we can do, but I'm afraid that if we don't find it, maybe we have to charge extra money to ship it you" . I mean, what I am expecting is a normal behaviour between customer and seller. These people keep shouting and telling that he's a liar. But, it can be possible something like this ?
I don't know guys, surely we are wrong. Long live to Emmons guitar Co., for sure.
Danny Bates
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Post by Danny Bates »

Emmons Co. keeping the pedalboard is a cheap shot at our new Italian friends. I hate to say it but I thought they might do something chicken-sh*t like this.

If a new pedalboard is needed, count me in for $20

It's the least I can do for a fellow musician burned by stupidity and greed.
Jack Strayhorn
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Post by Jack Strayhorn »

Last edited by Jack Strayhorn on 21 May 2010 7:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Roger Rettig
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Post by Roger Rettig »


You've done a quick 'edit' since I read your post a few minutes ago, but the occasion when I came to Emmons and met you (you know what you wrote earlier) was actually my second visit to Burlington.

That was when I had a problem with my Sapphire Blue SD-10 when the changer seized up while I was playing Atlantic City - I drove down overnight at Jim's request and you fitted a new changer.

That was the first and only time I met you, and the guitar was maybe eighteen months old by then; I have a photo of you outside the shop posing with the repaired guitar. That would have been very early 2000.

I repeat - Jim and JoAnn Aycoth greeted me in Summer, 1998. My information and memory is irrefutable. I still don't understand what is to be gained by your confusing the issue - the politics of that are beyond me....
Roger Rettig - Emmons D10
(8+9: 'Day' pedals) Williams SD-12 (D13th: 8+6), Quilter TT-12, B-bender Teles and several old Martins.
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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Don't you think we have hung enough dirty wash on the line by now.
Why don't you Emmons bashers send a lynch party and just hang all those connected with Emmons for bad business practices.
In your mind's eye that must be a capital offense!

And then nominate those two Italian gentlemen for sainthood. :roll:
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Richard Damron
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Post by Richard Damron »

Erv -

Your defense of an Emmons guitar is admirable and warranted.

Your denegration - by implication - of those two young Italian gentlemen in your last statement is indefensible. You owe them an apology.


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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

OK, don't nominate them for sainthood, feel better?
Last edited by Erv Niehaus on 20 May 2010 7:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Colin Swinney
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Post by Colin Swinney »

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Erv Niehaus
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Post by Erv Niehaus »

Something like Emmons is being treated, right?