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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 10 May 2010 10:25 am    
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I've been researching a Rick model for a guy and I ran across these two websites. Of cours the first one I got into was Brad's Pages:

but I found a second site that lists the Rick's history and the serial Numbering system used:

I'm certain these have been brought up before but I was unable to find them in archive. Just some lagianappe for the herd.

There are only two defining forces that have offered to die for you; Jesus Christ and the American GI!!

Think about it!!
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Steve Ahola

Concord, California
Post  Posted 10 May 2010 3:13 pm    
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Plus all of the great information on Rick Aiello's site:

Steve Ahola

P.S. I tried dating a Rickenbacher once but found him to be rather boring... Whoa!

Recordings on electric guitar:
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Al Terhune

Newcastle, WA
Post  Posted 11 May 2010 5:38 am    
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Phred -- this is a site I've had for a few months. It contains information that I used to deduct that the recent "prototype" 7-string fry pan might possibly have been from around 1937. If you look down at the model 59 information, you'll see that it was available in ivory or black cinkle, and the bridge and nut appear to be the same as the one on ebay, including the black tuners -- same as the 1937 model 59. I know that's not the best scientific method, but it convinced me! I actually put in a bid at the last second, but either I didn't type it in correctly or I didn't put it in an incrimental amount that met being above the winning bid (is it in incriments of $100 when it gets that high?). I was pretty bummed and had trouble going to sleep...

By the way, Phred, I still love the session 500 I got from you that was split into the head and cabinet. Mr. Fox did a great mod on the head. I record with it all the time.

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One heck of a Wife
The ghost of a red Doberman
Several pairs of reading glasses strewn about
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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 11 May 2010 6:05 am    
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Al, good to hear from you. Yep I think it's a pretty interesting and informative site. I learned a lot from it. The old 500 still kicking, eh? I really liked that old amp and Fox is the greatest.

There are only two defining forces that have offered to die for you; Jesus Christ and the American GI!!

Think about it!!
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