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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2009 1:24 am    
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Hi guys, I'm in need of a manual for Digital Performer 6. My recording pal Frank Conrad up in Lexington KY wanted to switch to DP 6 from Garage Band and sound edit on OS 9. Well no problem he has a 3 or possibly 5 license copy of DP 6 for folks like him and I that want to collaborate or family members and such. It is completely above board and not some sort of stolen copy because I had to register underneath his name and SN but they let me setup my own name and login due so I could go to the forums and get updates.

Ok so it all sounds great and like fun but here's the rub I don't know if MOTU even makes a hard copy of the complete manual but they even want to keep a person from getting a copy of the manual and I really don't mind but I think it's just an update from DP 5 and I need the complete basics from the beginning even the PDF manual on the disc looks like an addendum for DP 6. When I heard about having to pay for the copy of the manual I almost decided to not use DP 6 because I have been using Logic pro 8.01 on the Mac and Sonar 7 PE on the PC and although they all have the same end results they purposely make them like comparing apples to cucumbers to run and operate. I know they are hoping that the learning curve will make you stick with their SW forever but I just am not built that way Smile Just give me a manual and the software and I'll go to town. I like learning but I hate for a big company to profit from me when Frank has already bit the bullet for a multi license copy and they are not cheap. So there lies the problem. Does anyone know of a manual that can be purchased online to go from the beginning up to DP 6??? I wouldn't mind paying for one I just don't find any online and I would never ask anyone to copy a 600 page manual LOL!!!!

So if anyone has any ideas please respond. I'm not holding my breath for any responses due to the lac of popularity of the Mac plus DP 6 but any ideas would be welcome!

Big Bob
***Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow***
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Brick Spieth


San Jose, California, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2009 1:29 pm    
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There is a very nice second party DVD available for DP6. My lead guitar player has been using DP forever, and played some of the DVD for me. I don't know who makes it offhand, but you should be able to search the net for it.

DP is a very nice piece of software, but every time they go from 4 to 5 or 5 to 6, it seems to me that it suffers stability problems that get worked out by version 6.2 or so.

I'm running an old version on a G4 using OS9. It works fine and I just don't want to upgrade everything.
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2009 12:45 am    
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Thanks Brick, I don't mind buying one from a 3rd party as long as it covers all the basics plus the more advanced features. I've mad the jump to learning the basic interface and from here on out it should be much easier after all they all do the same thing basically just with different interfaces to all the tools. I'll search for the DVD-CD thanks again.

Big Bob
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Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2009 7:15 am    
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Big Bob
If you and my buddy Frank are working on something I would like to put my order in right now. I know it is going to be good. your friend Winston May
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2009 4:33 pm    
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Hey Winston you got it pal. Don't you live pretty close to Frank? If so I'll bet we could use some of your picking on whatever we do. We are just getting all setup to do some projects long distance. Basically we are just trying to wait for me to get up and running with DP 6. I'm about ready I've been doing some recording with DP6 here at home so I'm close to getting comfortable.

I would love for you to play on some of our stuff if you wanted to just let me know and I'll tell Frank after I hear from you. No doubt you could play on them from home like me and Frank will be doing. So let me know..

Big Bob
***Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow***
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Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2009 4:45 pm    
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Big Bob
I really appreciate the offer and I would love to do it but I am not in the same ballpark with you and Frank when it comes to music. And yes I live close to Frank, about 25 miles.
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2009 1:06 am    
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Hey Winston, that's no excuse LOL When I told Frank about a steel player picking on our stuff and told him your name his reactions and I quote "Heck I don't care if he plays an aluminum foil guitar we just need some sort of steel on out stuff"

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Jerome Hawkes

Fayetteville, North Carolina, USA
Post  Posted 23 Jun 2009 1:12 pm    
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seems to me i saw a DVD of ALL the features of DP6 for about $99 somewhere - it was from one of the known vendors who do these videos for all the popular programs. i have DP6 and the manual - if you are familiar with DAWs then one of the standard DP6 books on amazon may cover it. its not a big deal if you have an older manual from DP5, its not like they changed everything around, its just a slicker upgrade with some really cool new add-ons.
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 24 Jun 2009 5:07 am    
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Thanks Jerome, I found a book on Amazom for a little over 20 bucks and ordered it. By the time it get's here I might not need it LOL! No I intend to use it at it's fullest capability and like other professional DAW's there are a lot of areas that will almost be hidden if one doesn't know where to look. I've spent the last several years learning Sonar on the PC side so it's just a matter of learning the interface.

Big Bob
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Richard Nelson

Drogheda, Louth, Ireland
Post  Posted 9 Sep 2009 12:52 am    
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Bob, I have been using DP for 7 yrs . From DP 3 up to DP 6 . There are huge visual changes to it and personally I find it much harder to use than DP 5 . Mind you I have had problems changing over each time . My main concern is that you cant see the waveform on the tracks display unless you switch to a darker colour .I also find the colour changes on the sequence editor strange too . I am sure I will get used to it . The only way to get used to it is constant use . Learning from a manual is ok except you have to keep refering to it all the time . I try to look at it as a tape machine and a desk and not a computer so get to know how to use the basic things you need and work from there .
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Bob Martin

Madison Tn
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2009 11:34 pm    
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Hi Richard, I understand what you mean about some of the things on DP6 being unnecessarily hard and instrumented in a convoluted way. I've used just about every major brand of DAW's since the beginning.

DP6 is by far the hardest to use and also has the most unusual layout. I find DP5 easier bit it too has a lot of limitations that most other DAW's don't have.

Back in the day when we were only able to use all of the DAW's as midi sequencers Performer was hands down the winner. It had the most features of any sequencer on the market. But it seems when they went to digital Performer they didn't follow the pack they tried to be different and laid things out differently than most others but I think it back fired on them.

Don't get me wrong DP6 is a very capable DAW and I would even rate it up in the top 6 but I've used other DAW's and still do that are laid out so much more logically. I just needed to learn DP6 so I could do some projects with a friend of mine.

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Richard Nelson

Drogheda, Louth, Ireland
Post  Posted 20 Sep 2009 7:16 pm    
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Thats interesting that you have knowledge of other software and can compare. I dont have that advantage as I have only ever used one . All I really do is overdubs that people send me and my own albums so I am not using DP to its full potential . I think that apart from esthetics the only real innovation in DP over the years is the pitch control on the sequence display , which I have used on occasion to cheat a little . Most times its a lot quicker to redo a take . Now thats a whole new topic.
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