Message From Cathe To Rick's Dear Friends

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Rick Alexander
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Message From Cathe To Rick's Dear Friends

Post by Rick Alexander »

Dear Friends of Rick,
I want to try to put my own grief aside and try to stop crying long enough to thank you all so much for everything. The outpouring of love, flowers, cards, has been overwhelming. There are really not enough words to express how I feel at this time, but as time goes on, I hope to have the right ones and share some more about Rick's life. It was difficult to get through all the messages through tears, but they were so comforting and inspirational. I feel I know you all, as he talked about you all the time. He ate, slept and lived for steel guitar. It was his passion and he poured everything into it. He seemed to have a sense of urgency about leaving a legacy and worked at it almost every waking hour, although it was a labor of love.

I feel Rick got cheated out of more time and so did we, by not being able to keep him longer. Although, I always told him, if he never did another thing, he had an amazing body of work, that most people could not even think of accomplishing. However, as all encompassing as music was to him, people meant more. He would give his last penny to a homeless person or someone in need. If someone asked him to help, he didn't hesitate. He could be in the middle of something he wanted to do, but if I would say I was hungry or needed something, he would just drop it. Instead of a dozen roses, he would bring me six dozen. He was a man of honor and character and just a decent person. A mellow, peaceful and "groovy" guy.

I had the best twenty years of my life with Rick and I feel blessed. I would not have missed a minute. We were never apart, except for the conventions, of course. He often said, he would rather be with me at my worst, than anyone else at their best and I felt the same way about him. Our first dance was to "The Dance" and one line keeps playing in my head, "I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance." It's the best dance I ever had. Many people never get to experience that kind of unconditional love, so I am grateful, although the selfish me didn't want to give him up. I realize that's not my call and will have to accept it. As long as I live and as long as our daughter Bonney lives, along with Jeff and some younger than we are, his music will live on. I will do what I can to help the steel without pedals "fellars," in his name, as much as possible. He loved his "fellars." (Also the "gal" players as well, whom he greatly admired.) You have no idea how much you meant to him, but you may get tired of me coming around telling you, as I work through this profound grief, that I know others are feeling too. I will try to contact people individually, as soon as I am able. I know I will re-read these messages often, as they are so heart felt and beautifully written.

Thank you again for all your prayers, support and love you have shown. He had awesome friends and he was obviously an awesome friend himself. This would mean so much to him. He worked so hard to make a contribution and had so many plans to bring steel without pedals to the forefront. His contribution apparently had more meaning than even he was aware of. He will be so missed, but never forgotten and his beautiful music will play on.
God Bless You All,
Love, Cathe
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Mickey Adams
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Post by Mickey Adams »

Cathe....Im sure I speak for everyone here...We are so blessed to have known Rick..My deepest sympathy for you and your family members....We will miss him so very much...Mickey
2017 MSA LEGEND XL D10, S10, Studio Pro S12 EXE9
Mullen G2, Rittenberry S10, Infinity D10, Zumsteel 8+9
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Stan Banister
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Post by Stan Banister »

Miss Cathe thanks so much to you and Bonney for sharing Rick with us here on the forum. He will be greately missed. Our thoughts and prayer stll go out to you and your family. My God bless. Stan
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John P. Phillips
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Post by John P. Phillips »

Miss Cathe,
I think it's about time for this old georgia boy to stand up and be counted among the others. I ask your forgiveness for being this late responding but I thought the best thing was to let Rick's closer friends in first. I've had a few medical issues this past couple of weeks but I'm embarrased to say that I've been on a little "pity party" of my own. I got to thinking after reading your post, "Just who do you think you are you selfish old geezer". The pain that you must be going through has to be monumental compared to my small pittance Therefore my heartfelt apology is for you. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, talking with him, or even emailing him. I'm mostly a pedal steel man and very seldom ever read the steel without pedals section but I always had my attention drawn to posts by Rick and my buddy Jody Carver. I never missed those. Rick was well loved and deeply respected by I'm sure, all our forum members.
Another thought, I noticed the spelling of your name, Cathe. I guess that would, or should mean that you were his HE- CAT. My bride of 30 years is also named Cathy and I couldn't imagine my life without her in it. Her nickname is Cat.
My belated condolences come your way and you go ahead and grieve. You've earned the right if anyone has. We will all be here for you I'm sure. We are FAMILY and feel honored to have you as a sister in our elite sister and brotherhood.
CALL ON US ANYTIME ! We all love you too Sis.
Just remember,
You don�t stop playing cause you get older,
You get older cause you stop playing !
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K.J. Tucker
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Cathe ..............

Post by K.J. Tucker »

Thank you for your kind words .
We were very lucky to have known Rick .
Your very welcome here with us at anytime.
The tears help wash the soul , mine must be squeaky clean as they haven't stopped yet .


In Memory of My Friend

If you can read this Thank a Teacher , If it is in English Thank a Soldier !

Luck is preparation meets opportunity............ My Grandmother
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Don Sulesky
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Post by Don Sulesky »

Rick will be missed by me any so many others on this Forum and the Steel Guitar World.
May God Bless you and Rick.
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Mike Gross
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Post by Mike Gross »


Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Rick in person I do feel he was a good friend of mine and of course to the steel guitar world. We were blessed to have had him. He was a good friend also to my "Swingin' West" radio show and I will continue to play his music on my show. Many of his fine recordings have your wonderful singing on them. Please do accept all of Susan and my sympathy at this time.
Don Burrows
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Post by Don Burrows »

I could hardly read your post thru the tears but I just had to say how much Rick loved you,
When we were there in 2005 and Rick was waiting for you to come to the studio so that he could introduce us, he told Don and I what a lucky man he was to have you in his life. I just had to share that with you and I knew how much you loved him too. Remember the four of us strolling down by the ocean and you and Rick were hand in hand. I agree with you, you knew more love in those 20 years than most know in a lifetime.
May God be with you and comfort you in this most difficult time.
With Love and Prayers
Ruby Burrows
Don Burrows
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Laurie Ayres
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Post by Laurie Ayres »

Cathe: Roy & I are still crushed also to know that Rick has "gone home". We will always miss him. We decided not to tell our little granddaughter (6) that Rick had gone home. We were in the car taking her to school and Roy & I were spelling words about our loss. I happened to say Rick and she said "Grandma, did Mr. Rick die?" I said yes sweetie, he did. God took him home. She said, "Grandma, I wish God could have fixed him, I wanted to meet him when we were going to his house." I said, I know, she was sad and that night along with us said prayers for you and your family. She said she would always keep the bar that Rick sent her and take good care of it. I wanted to share that with you. He touch lives that were old but also very young. Cathe, God uses time as a healer. Roy & I both widowed and we know how you feel. If you ever need to talk, just let me know. We will continue to pray for your comfort. May God bless you all always. Laurie
Herb Steiner
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Post by Herb Steiner »

From your eloquence, speaking loudly even through a veil of tears, I can see the quality and beauty that Rick, a man of quality and beauty himself, loved so deeply. We have all been blessed by this man, you most of all.
Herb Steiner
Bill Hatcher
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Post by Bill Hatcher »

"and the greatest among these is Love".....
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Roy Thomson
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Post by Roy Thomson »

Hi Cathe,

I am terribly sorry for your loss and my
prayers are with you at this difficult time.

In 2005 Rick sent me a chord chart and a rhythm trac
file for a song he wrote called Cathe's Theme
Beautiful Angel. He asked if I would record it
for him as a Steel Guitar solo. I did and he was so
very appreciative.

Although we never met I considered him a friend.
He was able to offer assistance when my son moved
to Miami three years ago which I never forgot as it
had nothing to do with steel guitar whatsoever.

Obviously he loved you very much to have written
such a beautiful melody in your honor. He spoke so
highly of you in his emails to me.

I am going to post the MP3 of Beautiful Angel (Cathe's Theme) in the Non Pedal Steel Section of the Forum later today.

May God bless you and your family.

Roy Thomson
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Gary Boyett
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Post by Gary Boyett »

My heartfelt condolences go out to you. this was just shock to ail of us here on the forum. Rick was a close friend and we will all miss him everyday. Please keep his (as well as your's and Bonnie's) music alive. Rick always let me know when he did something for his girls.

Keep in touch.
Debbie Johnley Glaub
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Post by Debbie Johnley Glaub »

Cathe and deepest sympathy to you and your family. There comes a time when words are hard to come by when your not the one who lost the loved one...just know Rick will be honored and remembered in the Steel Guitar World and he has his own Hall of Fame in Heaven now.
I enjoyed listening to his master hands on his steel and will always remember his music that was from his heart.
Condolences and Prayers
Debbie Johnley Glaub
Hal Higgins
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Post by Hal Higgins »

Cathe....I am so sorry for your loss and the loss to the steel guitar community. Rick and I never met personally, but we did share a few conversations via internet, and I found him to be quite the gentleman that you have described to us all. Time alone will take the pain of loss away to a degree, however, the memories will always be there for you and for us. Day by day and one step at a time is what it will take. Know, also, that God above knows and feels your pain and sorrow. I'll leave you with the line of a great gospel tune I heard many years ago, and it's also a verse found in the Bible; "Hold on my child, JOY comes in the morning". Know that you are loved and cared for by many in the steel guitar community. A Friend Always........HAL
HAL...Excel D-10 w/ 8 & 5. w/back, Pedal Board on Legs with Quilter Tone Block 200 amp, Boss GE 7, Boss DD 3, Boss RV 6, Boss RT-20 Hilton Expression Pedal, Evans Cabinet with 4 ohm Eminence 15" speaker. BJS birthstone bar, Powder coated Tone bar by Michael Hillman. Dunlop Coated finger picks and Zookies L30 thumb picks.
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Mark van Allen
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Post by Mark van Allen »

Cathe, thanks so much for sharing your beautiful memories and love for Rick with all of us here. You two have obviously shared the depth of a true loving relationship, that supports and surpasses all other experience of life. I hope those memories and the knowledge of true love lived will help sustain you through your grief, and pain. You both were very, very fortunate to find each other.
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Alan Brookes
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Re: Message From Cathe To Rick's Dear Friends

Post by Alan Brookes »

Cathe Alexander may get tired of me coming around telling you, as I work through this profound grief...
No, Cathe, we will never be tired of you coming around telling us about Rick. He will be in our hearts and memories for ever.
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