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Mike Bowles

Princeton, West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2009 5:00 pm    
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need some help selecting a new effects pedal need one thats easy to set up i play older country on a 52 tele through a stage 100 fender want delay chorus rev and maybe flanger need something thats quiet i am using a zoom 606 but hate it im just using a ibanez de7 and amp verb now how good is the pod 2.0 for playing live maybe a pedal board any help appreciated
Mike Bowles
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2009 12:55 am    
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my take, the farther away you get from Telecasters, fresh strings and tube amps ,the harder it will be to get a pleasing tone.

You should probably go after separate pedals with true bypass. My setup, Peavey Classic 30, Sparkle Drive and a DanElectro Tremelo. I'm back to 2 pedals.

The POD would probably be the best overall solution but even at that , it may be overkill.

My thoughts are this, go to the next gig without any pedals, just you, the guitar and the amp. See what happens. If your amp can handle the neck pup at moderate volume you may just find yourself playing totally different just from whats available at your finger tips. Then move over to the bridge pup and roll the treble back 1/4 turn, you may be amazed at how little you need instead of how much you think you need. Sustain and natural mellow tone gets addictive real fast.

give it a try, then maybe add a pedal or two on the next gig.

good luck


ps, I have to add this even though it sounds self centered and mean. I promise I am not trying to be a meanie. I got a call to sit in on Steel not all that long ago with an established band of older gents, I was told that the Guitar player was just flat out awesome. I was looking fowrard to this gig.
I did not bring a 6 string, just the Steel. Well the Guitar player was really nice, very easy going guy , very courteous and friendly but, he was horrible, he hid behind his numerous effects and multi delay settings , basically pretending to be playing fast licks when all they were were obnoxious triple picking up and down one or two strings with repeat echo. Then he added the chorus or flangers and some other stuff which I don't even know what it was. This went on in every song, ballad, mid meter and hi meter. I wasn't half a set in and couldn't wait for this night to end.

Use effects, but use them appropriately, that's my thought on the whole thing. I didn't mean to be a meanie ! ok, back to the topic !

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Larry Scott

Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2009 4:54 am    
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Check out the Hardwire pedal rv7 delay cr7 chorus.

They are both quiet easy to set up and True bypass,
I have both.
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Mike Bowles

Princeton, West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2009 7:23 am     country pickers
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tony youre probably right all these pedals add extra noise i have been looking at the classic 30 i put the 606 away probably for good the last time i played out i used the de7 delay amp reverb sounded pretty good my neck pup sounds a little bassey i usually play in the mid position i have a danelectro tremlo i might try it with my current set up i usually play more simple leads dont try to much fancy picking i might get to come to kannapolis for the convention in april my mother in law lives there thanks for your help
Mike Bowles
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2009 8:41 am    
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Hey Mike, I hope to see you in Kann. The Classic 30's can tend to be a bit bright so the neck pup may be a good option for you, I love it myself. I too spend most of my playing time in the mid pup position .

I have the same delay pedal and like it a lot, I just never bother bringing it to gigs, maybe I should . I'm just one of those that at the last minute I go simple, story of my life !

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Mike Bowles

Princeton, West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2009 10:24 am     country players
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thanks tony hope to get to see you there the de7 seems to fatten up my stage 100 a little i think simple is better exactly what is the sparkle drive i know a lot of tele players use it thanks again
Mike Bowles
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Gary Baker


Charlotte, North Carolina
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2009 11:00 am    
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Hi Tony . . .

Gary Baker here . . . one of your (ex) students!

See you at the Kann. show . . trying to get back at the steel and hope to get a better steel to continue learning.

See ya, Gary
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Ben Jones

Seattle, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2009 1:37 pm    
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I thought country tele players were big on compressors like the Keeley or dynacomp or ross or orange squeezer for those clucky clicky sounds?

I also wonder if people are digging those Boss pedals that emulate classic old fender amps?
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Mike Bowles

Princeton, West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2009 2:26 pm     country players
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thanks ben im trying to get away from all the bells and whistles want to keep it simple just got through playing through my nv112 with tele de7 and danelectro tremlo was surprised at the sound after a little tweaking might gig with it this weekend
Mike Bowles
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Larry Scott

Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2009 4:09 pm     Re: country players
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Mike Bowles wrote:
thanks ben im trying to get away from all the bells and whistles want to keep it simple just got through playing through my nv112 with tele de7 and danelectro tremlo was surprised at the sound after a little tweaking might gig with it this weekend

Muttering I guess when Tony speaks people listen Razz
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Jim Simon


Moses Lake, WA
Post  Posted 26 Mar 2009 10:16 am    
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Hey Mike. I am with Tony. I play a 52 Tele through a Tweed Deluxe at home and a Classic 30 out. I use only a DD3 delay. After 50 years of trying every new doo daa and the newest latest amp etc I have come full circle to simple straight forward is best. The Tele will give you what you pull from her and a clean tube amp will reproduce what you got. I have a NV112 for my pedal and although it would be nice to have one amp for both it and the Tele it does not cut it at all. The NV112 is voiced for the pedal, period.

Good luck Pal,

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Jerry Hayes

Virginia Beach, Va.
Post  Posted 26 Mar 2009 10:21 am    
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Mike, I use a Boss ME-50 multiple effects board that to me was a Godsend! It comes with any effect you want and just from the top of it you've got distortion, delay, reverb, acoustic simulator, chorus, flanger, or just about any effect offered. In distortions it even simulates RAT pedals, Fuzz Faces, Tube Screamers and others. If you're into programming patches, it's the easist one on the planet to do that with as all the controls for every effect are done with knobs. If you want to program a patch, just press the button dial in what you want with the appropriate knobs and save it. IMHO, there's no other pedals on the planet which can do what this one does so easily. That's why I have two of 'em. I've had mine for four years now and use it 3 to 4 times a week and I haven't ever had to take the spare out yet as my initial board just keeps on truckin'.

And, the board will operate with the included adapter or on batteries. If I decide to go jammin' sometimes I just take the board (w/fresh batteries) my guitar and two cords and plug into whatever amp's available. It works great with either tube or SS amps. I'm mainly using a Peavey Classic 30 now!..........JH in Va.
Don't matter who's in Austin (or anywhere else) Ralph Mooney is still the king!!!
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John Groover McDuffie

LA California, USA
Post  Posted 26 Mar 2009 10:59 am    
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I also like the Boss ME50. I usually just use the tube screamer" setting, the analog delay, and vary the modualtion between phaser, chorus, tremolo, or rotary depending on the song. Nice room & hall reverbs, a good sounding amp-sim output, and it is bonehead simple to use if you just use the manual mode. It really helps to have a seperate footswitch to turn the compressor and tone modify on & off. Boss has brought out a newer version so these may be on closeout sale soon.

The compressor effect in the ME50 leaves a bit to be desired in that it does not model various compressors. It sounds fine, but for some sounds a different compressor is better. For for Nashville telecaster sounds I like the MXR super-comp, and for slide guitar I like the original dyna-comp. I'm sure the Keeley mega-bucks compressor sounds great, but the super-comp is a nice affordable option.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2009 12:51 am    
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Whats a Sparkle Drive ?

It has 4 knobs, Gain , Tone, Clean, Volume. All interactive. example; set the gain ( overdrive ) to maybe 1 o'clock, tone to 12:00 mid point, clean full CCW (off) and volume( output) The thing screams. But now, take that clean knob and put it up to 12:00 or 1:00 It's still driven, but much less and the sonic quality is way different, not the same as just rolling back the gain.

It reminds me of the top boost on an AC15 or AC30, they all interact with each other. The Sparkle drive along with the DanElectro tremelo can really dial in those AC30 tones. I keep mine up on the amp and I work between 3 different settings of clean , 3:00, 12:00 and 9:00. gain is at 1:00, tone somewhere near mid setting( not too bright ) and volume so I don't murder anyone.

I used to think that the Boss Blues Driver, BD-2 was really good, and it is, the Blue one , but compared to the Sparkle drive there is no comparison.( for me) But then again one is around $70 and the other around $130.

I believe that these pedals gained some notoriety with Brad Paisley, they are not that easy to use out of the box and take some time to dial in, but once you get the feel of them it's like 4 wheel drive in the snow !


ps, in response to an above comment, very few people listen when I speak, and they would be justified !
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John Groover McDuffie

LA California, USA
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2009 8:04 am    
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Yes I agree the Sparkle Drive is a great pedal. I use mine for PSG and for 6-string.
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Mike Bowles

Princeton, West Virginia, USA
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2009 11:47 am     country players
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thanks guys i think i will stay as simple my tele sounds pretty good with the de7 delay and danelectro tremlo running it through my fx loop of my stage 100 i sure would like to find a trade in on my nv 1000 on a classic 30 i will probably add the sparkle drive later thanks again for your help
Mike Bowles
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Dave Mudgett

Central Pennsylvania and Gallatin, Tennessee
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2009 12:12 pm    
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I'm all for a nice old Fender tube amp like a Deluxe or Vibrolux Reverb for Tele, but since I almost always play both pedal steel and guitar these days, I have to have a seriously clean amp for pedal steel and not quite so clean for guitar.

My usual solution is to use a Pod 2.0 (old version, the ones made before 2-3 years ago) using the Deluxe Reverb emulation - the standard Blackface model - into the pre-EQ effects retern of the pedal steel amp. To me, this works fine with a Nashville 112, 1000, or 400. Then I just plug the pedal steel directly into my tubefex and then into the main input of the steel amp.

For a Tele or Strat, I prefer the tone of the old version Pod 2.0 into a clean amp over anything else I've tried pedal-wise for a clean tone. They're pretty easy to deal with, sound good, are pretty impervious to the rigors of club gigging, and inexpensive - I see these older ones for around $100 or so, and they do a lot - there is a good Fender-style spring reverb and decent compressor, delay, tremelo, Leslie simulation, chorus, flange, and a bunch of other things built in. I rarely use more than the reverb, delay, and sometimes compressor.

Some people prefer other things, including other brands of modelers or pedals, and later versions of the Pod. I've tried everything I could get my hands on and still come back to this every time. Forget about the heavy distortion sounds - they're not great. But for a nice semi-clean old Fender amp sound, I think the Pod 2.0 is great. I tweaked mine so that it was, to my ears and also a bunch of players I know, nearly indistinguishable from my old blackface Deluxe Reverb with a Celestion Vintage 30 speaker in it, and also did another model that got closer to the sound of that amp with an old Jensen in it.

I'm not a big fan of most modern mass-produced tube amps with small-trace PC boards. I find them pretty shrill in the clean mode, and don't care for the distortion sounds either. If I was gonna drag a second amp for this, it would be an old Fender, not a Classic 30, reissue Deluxe Reverb, Hot Rod Deluxe, or whatever. Just my take.

One amp that I've been using lately that I really like is the Mesa Nomad 45 (4-EL84 power tubes), and I think the Nomad 55 and 100 (2 or 4 6L6 power tubes respectively) would be great too - I have tried a 100 and the clean channel is pretty powerful and clean. But I use that amp exactly like I use the a Nashville 112. There's a very recent thread on these Nomad amps here:
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2009 1:37 am    
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Dave Mudgett wrote:

If I was gonna drag a second amp for this, it would be an old Fender, not a Classic 30, reissue Deluxe Reverb, Hot Rod Deluxe, or whatever. Just my take.

ok, lets fight !

As much as I agree with Dave's assessment, I'm just not into old amps anymore and the price that goes with them . I'm into "easy life" and I do not want to fight old tube amps, been there done that. This new era of "shrill" amps are pretty darn reliable and for my blood that's as important as anything else. I've been dragging around a HR Deville for 5 years now , it is my go to amp for double duty and also for the few sessions I do.

Not along ago I sat in with a band I play Steel with now and then, this time I brought the Telecaster as well as the Steel, played thru the HRDeville. The other guitar player had an original 70's or so Deluxe Reverb, he sounded great on the Clapton style tunes. But when it came to playing Merle with no effects and some downright clean Tele pickin', he was chasing the tone of my 52RI and the HR Deville. Now I also agree that his Telecaster had something to do with it, he had some sort of a custom shop version with pups that were too middy for my taste.He also had an effects chain two miles long wile I had only the Sparkle Drive that night. My Bass player friend in this band calls me a Saloon player, with Saloon licks and Saloon tone ! I think that's a good thing, or at least I hope it is ! My Classic 30 to my ears sounds identical to the HR Deville. Like Dave, I'm not into shrill and these amps can tend to be a tad bright but they are easily tamed. By the way , my late 60's Bandmaster was really shrill, speaking of shrill amps ! It was the taller 2x12 cab, man it was terrible !

T, Saloon guy, I guess...
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Tony Glassman

The Great Northwest
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2009 6:42 am    
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Compressor....Barber Tone Press (True Bypass)
Delay............DD-3 (buffered)
Tremolo........Demeter Tremulator (True Bypass)
Overdrive.....Lovepedal COT-50 (True bypass)
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