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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 12 Feb 2009 10:29 am    
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I played this last night and it sounded killer.

Original circuit '59 Bassman with 4, 15w Webers built to be like old Jensons.
And cabinet made of Lumpaw wood and some Takein wood 'chef's chopsticks' for dowels,
and back panels from red Nok wood.

DLD, Chili farmer. Plus bananas and papaya too.

Real happiness has no strings attached.
But pedal steels have many!
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David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 13 Feb 2009 5:37 am    
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Man, I envy you... nice amp too! Studio pictures, soon? How're the price of coconuts holding? Mr. Green
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Jon Zimmerman


California, USA
Post  Posted 14 Feb 2009 10:30 am     Does it float?
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Sooo nice a build here. Is that how you get to your gig...via boats? Hope you don't drop it overboard! "Nok on wood"! Shocked Did you tech this all yourself, DD? The circuit design is timeless..but might not work well if gotten wet!! Marvelous job. JON Z Cool
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James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 14 Feb 2009 10:48 am    
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Very cool looking amp, and I'm sure it sounds GREAT !!.....Love the boats too ...The one on the right looks similar to a Panga design .....JIm
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 15 Feb 2009 7:35 am    
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Well let's see.
in just did two jazz gigs this weekend.
And one was on Ko Phagnan island, and so yes we DID go by boats.
The way out was pretty new steel hull island ferry,
but coming back was in a larger version of these boats,
with a top on it. No sun burn. The "supply Boat"
And you get off into the water and grab your stuff...
No chance this amp goes that way.

We did a valentines gig with a great singer from Chaing Mai,
formerly from San Fran. Antoine Garth.
Classically trained opera voice, but with a strong love of jazz.
Imagine Philip Bailey from Earth Wind and Fire
singing Sarah Vaughn or Tony Bennett....

We put the set together Friday afternoon, touched it up Sat. afternoon
and played in front of 150 VERY appreciative fans,
mostly ladies in 'vacation minimalist' clothing.
Got paid and fed well and had a blast. A sort of Ibiza scene.

But I didn't bring an amp with me.
Nylon string and upright through the PA.
Also we did 'free improv' behind 2 different poetry readings.

We got back and did a much longer, more agresive
and less finesseful show on Samui tonight...
I'm pretty burnt out now....

I did take this new amp for guitar to replace the
'Solid State Fender Twin resembling' jokes in the back line.

It now has the grill cloth on it.

And yes I did all the electronics building, parting and such
and cabinet designs. Running out of time a Canadian friend Blair
did the Bassman cab to my design.
But I did the other amp cabs myself.

I have one more amp awaiting a quick cab build this week.
A pretty trick Single End amp like a 'Champ on steroids'.
That should be two 10"s in a combo.
Got three days to get it together.

Barry and Al both played the D-clone and added to the raves about it's sound.
Both the amp's "touch" and the speaker cab sound.

We did everything from ballads to hard bebop,
fast Salsa and slow blues this evening.
This time with a narrow arch-top guitar and humbuckers.

I played about 10 minutes of Shobud through the Bassman
before I realized I was LATE for the boat,
It sounded very nice. I am going to play Supro 6 through it most likely next weekend at the blues festival.
After the last few years amps, there will be some HAPPY campers finding these two beauties on the stage.

Basically I have built the best two amps on the island,
in the opinions of the best players. Which WAS the idea. Smile

'Nok' means bird in Thai.
A lot of girls here are knick-named Nok.
Like the lady I buy my wood stock from.

And Dang means Red.
I do use Dang wood a little too.
DLD, Chili farmer. Plus bananas and papaya too.

Real happiness has no strings attached.
But pedal steels have many!
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Steve Feldman

Central MA USA
Post  Posted 15 Feb 2009 12:08 pm    
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Nice! Dems some big chopsticks in that bassman cab.
And that ODS with the 15"(?) cab - you use that for steel, or is that over the top for that?
"...An admission of interest in protracted commentary is certainly no reason to capitalize on surmised aberations that do not exist." - BH
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Jon Zimmerman


California, USA
Post  Posted 15 Feb 2009 12:41 pm     Ahoy there...
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The Dumble influence stretched over to Far East exotica locales... Dang! I mean, "Dang wood".
Saw the troubles in paradise you mentioned in another section of the forum. Keep danger at a safe distance if you can, Donald. Always a treat to see what our O/drive Spcl Ambassador is up to. Very Happy Jon Z
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 15 Feb 2009 6:19 pm    
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Yes big ones, those are Chef's Chopsticks for
moving and tasting in a professional kitchen wok.
Almost impossible to get dowels here.
So we cut up a half dozen plus sized chopsticks.

My dovetail and Isolok joining system was inop
for want of a router collet that worked well
when we HAD to start this cab,
So we reverted to classic cabinetry style.

Actually that is 12" TONE RING CAB. (Dovetailed)
Something Fender never made.
I have two 15" rings but the cabs are not started yet.
But with the Celestian Vintage 30 it sounds quite full with the single 12".

The little Cab is 10" for Harp as an extention to
a harp mod'd Epiphone Valve Jr. I did for Lil' Willie.
Nasty sounding lil' harp amp now.

We ran The 'Overtone Special' no more than master at '2'
all night last night. vs. drums, upright bass and pounding Columbian salsa keyboard player.
My bass fingers feel like hotdogs STILL this AM.

Plenty of power. I did get it up to 6 once, Xmas night
vs a rather obnoxious super bright guitarist
AND the regular band guitarist. 3 guitars
with the least talented insisting on the most volume...

I have played lapsteel through the Overtone and it is very, very nice.
Haven't played out on PS,
but it would get a Dan Tyack PSG sound easily.

The troubles up north are not much seen here.
The latest thing was 'Lemongrass, Ginger, Chili and Tumeric'and a few oythers
were supposed to be banned as Hazardous Herbs... DUH!
An attempt by the biggest chemical fertilizer company
to stop or slow their use as organic pesticides.
And/or bump up the price to sell to multi-national Pharmceutical companies.

That stupidity was shouted down BIG time by the next day.
Seeing as 3/4 of the list has been eaten in most ALL
Thai meals for hundreds of years...

The troubles in the south are quite a bit farther south than we are.

There is a pretty much full booking of tourists on
all the islands and they just spend a little less than last year.
We're cool.
DLD, Chili farmer. Plus bananas and papaya too.

Real happiness has no strings attached.
But pedal steels have many!
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2009 5:14 am    
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A further report.
I played this amp with the Supro 6 at the Phuket festival in two sit-ins as a guest with two bands.
Or one band twice, the 2nd as backing band for a headliner from New Orleans.

I also had the Dumble clone on the drum riser both days.
If a band had two guitars one guy used it.
2 fender twins were on stage and only ONE got used twice.
One by a relative ludite and other because he
just plugged in and was ready to go.
And didn't try the other choices.
Fair play.

One guy brought his Mesa Boogie stack and most of the rest
either the Bassman for old retro sound or the Dclone for screaming sound.
I was amazed at the variety of set ups players settled on during their sets too.
I ALWAYS looked afterwards.

So a very high percentage picked my amps for sound.

And I used the bassman for my steel songs.
Both with the Sansamp and flat out cranking.
I like a bit of grit and this amp had a really
cool grind to it when I stepped on the pedal! Cool

I have another amp in the works now too.
A rewirked SE amp with 2 Mojo 10" speakers
DLD, Chili farmer. Plus bananas and papaya too.

Real happiness has no strings attached.
But pedal steels have many!
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