My Stage Music

Lap steels, resonators, multi-neck consoles and acoustic steel guitars

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Rick Alexander
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My Stage Music

Post by Rick Alexander »

I just found out about this site yesterday and I thought it looked good, so I signed up.
I'm very glad I did.
You can upload unlimited MP3s, videos, pics etc., and network and all that stuff.
What I really like is the sound of the MP3s - it's way better than MySpace.
MySpace tends to make tunes sound a bit grainy, but this site seems to enhance them somehow.
Plus you're not limited to 6 songs!
The layout is cool - everything is right there in an easy to use format.

They have many genres, but not Hawaiian or Swing or Classic Country or Americana.
So I think it needs more Non Pedal Steel Guitar players!
Bobbe Seymour
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Post by Bobbe Seymour »

OK Rick! You are always thinking!

Yo' buddy,
Bobbster :D
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Rick Alexander
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Post by Rick Alexander »

Thank you Bobbster - I try my bestest.:)

Another thing I noticed about this site is that the upload time is like greased lightening - a fraction of the time it takes for MySpace and YouTube.

Here's their MySpace URL - that's how they contacted me, and that's how to get a message to them.
The message we need to get to them, aside from what a great site it is - is that they need to add Hawaiian, Western Swing and Americana to their list of genres. So if a few of us message them or leave comments to that effect, they might just do it.

I can't very well complain though - when I went to their MySpace to leave a comment, one of my songs was playing!Image
It was this one - OOH BABY I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU
a little ditty I wrote a couple of weeks ago while I was making the macaroni casserole . .
Adam Gejdos
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Post by Adam Gejdos »

Thanks for the link. Yeah, the sound quality is way better than myspace. And might I say...great tunes!
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Gary Stevenson
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Post by Gary Stevenson »

Rick, love your playing and the choice of songs.I esp. like High Mait.Man Your right the sound quality is great, much better than Youtube :D
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Rick Alexander
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Post by Rick Alexander »

Adam, Gary - thanks for the kind words guys!

The site is run by one guy - Dennis.
I received a nice email from him, he's very sincere about promoting all kinds of good music.
He told me his transcoders are cutting edge and have recently been updated.
So that explains why it sounds so good.
I timed my last song upload - 68 seconds!
He's planning on adding Swing as a genre.
A couple more Non Pedal guys have just signed up.

Ya gotta love this site . .
AJ Azure
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Post by AJ Azure »

you're no longer limited to 6 songs on myspace. At least it didn't look like it when i went to check if I could upload more.
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Rick Alexander
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Post by Rick Alexander »

I just got another email from Dennis - he has added "Swing" as a music category. He doesn't want to have a whole bunch of categories with few or no artists, because he wants to concentrate on promoting and marketing each one. But he's interested in us, and Swing is a start - a "catch all" if you will. Who knows, if he sees a lot of Western Swing and Hawaiian songs coming in, he might add these cats too.

I believe this site could be great opportunity to promote SWP in particular, and real music in general.
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Rick Alexander
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Post by Rick Alexander »

Please let me know if you sign up - so we can be friends! :)
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Mike Gross
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Post by Mike Gross »

Sounds awesome, buddy!
Ray Langley
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Post by Ray Langley »

Hi Rick,

...just signed up. Thanks for adding me as a friend.
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Bob Hickish
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Post by Bob Hickish »

Rick Alexander wrote:Please let me know if you sign up - so we can be friends! :) :eek:

Thanks for the info Rick

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Gary Stevenson
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wild and crazy steel player

Post by Gary Stevenson »

That was me making a comment on your songs.I think I have added you as a friend or the other way around, not sure yet. :lol: :lol:
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Rick Alexander
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Post by Rick Alexander »

Thanks Mike!

My pleasure Ray!

You're welcome Hick - I don't think I could bear it either buddy . .

Well just as long as we're friends Gary, that's what counts.
I knew you were one of us, I just didn't know which one!

Now all we have to do is give one another 5 stars and leave nice comments - to make ourselves look good!
This is very cool, we're getting in on the ground floor of a really good thing here.
Dennis is a really smart helpful guy - he answers emails and exchanges ideas.
You don't get that kind of personal attention too much anymore these days.
He's even going to add a Hawaiian category in the near future.
So c'mon you guys - sign up and commence to uploading your tunes.
I guarantee you've never heard them sound so good.
I'm still in awe of the sound quality - and everyone who hears it says the same thing, so I know I'm not imagining it . .

I really recommend using your actual name as a username.
You just can't have spaces, so it's like JohnSmith or John_Smith.
Then folks don't have to wonder whose beautiful playing they hear!
After all, this is about shameless self-promotion . .
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Rick Alexander
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Post by Rick Alexander »

Well Dennis did it - he added Hawaiian as a category!
SWP rules!!
SO now if you upload Hawaiian songs or videos, you can tag them correctly.:)

Right now there are about 1000 or so artists on the site - mostly metal and hip hop, and many of them don't appear to be very active.
So we can make our own niche with Hawaiian, Swing and that cool catch-all cat - AMERICANA.
Plus, there's still Blues, Jazz, Rock, Rockabilly, Surf Rock, Pop and Experimental - to name a few.
If you haven't checked out the sound quality yet, do yourself a favor and give it a listen. Some forum members have now uploaded media, they're not too hard to find.
I have a number of songs, videos and photos and I plan on uploading more all the time.

Here's the Hawaiian main page:
Last edited by Rick Alexander on 25 Jan 2009 1:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Ray Langley
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Post by Ray Langley »

Rick, the correct URL is:

You left out the "music" part. :)

I don't know how to invite friends yet, but will accept any invitation from any forum member.....

As for using your real name, I am known as Rayzcane everywhere else on the internet except for SGF.
Bluesman's Epitath: "Didn't get up this morning"!
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Rick Alexander
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Post by Rick Alexander »

Thanks Ray - I fixed it.
I'm glad somebody's on the ball.
You should come over and keep an eye on me - I sent out a whole bunch of emails and I left out the dot after "get" - duh.

There are 2 ways to invite friends:

1.To invite people to join:
Click on "my friends and requests" and then on "invite friends"
Then you can type in your friends' email addresses and send an invitation to check out your profile and join.
There's a pre-typed message you can use or edit or type your own. It's easy.

2.To invite a member to be your friend:
Go to their profile and click on Add To Friends (on the left)
Then they'll get the request, and as soon as they accept - you've got a friend.

Rayzcane - that's cool. Catchy . .

I already uploaded a few Hawaiian tunes including a couple Herb Remington and I recorded:
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Roy Thomson
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Post by Roy Thomson »

I signed up after Rick Emailed about this.
I uploaded Maria Elena on my EHarp this morning
and have a few more on there also.
I am still learning the ropes and plan on
spending a little more time there.

Custom Tabs Various Tunings
Courses Lap Steel, Pedal Steel
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Rick Alexander
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Post by Rick Alexander »

Roy, that's gorgeous!
Here's the link folks:
Maria Elena

now, about that pending friend request . . :)
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George Piburn
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Post by George Piburn »

Last edited by George Piburn on 21 Jun 2012 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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James Williamson
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My stage music

Post by James Williamson »


I'm signed up...send me a message on mystage music so I can be your friend...James_Williamson

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Gary Stevenson
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Post by Gary Stevenson »

I am registered also and even have two Friends: Rick and Ray.Sounds like this will be a great site.
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