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Author Topic:  Emmons on Steroids
Larry Behm

Mt Angel, Or 97362
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2009 10:08 am    
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This time it is not Buddy but none other than our forumite buddy Doug Jones on his Emmons.

Last night at his gig at Jubitz truck stop the band was mixing the PA from the stage. They had the steel mixed so loud it took out the whole band even with minimal playing on Doug's part. Very Happy Very Happy

Well when it came time for a ride you had to hold on to your loved one to keep from being blown out of your chair. Smile Smile

Having said all of that, Doug sounded like Buddy on steroids. I was so knocked out by the tone etc I almost wet myself.

Oh if we could all sound like that every gig rather than comments like - I can not hear the steel - sounds like you are in another state - remove the pillow in front of your speaker etc etc.

It was worth the 50 mile drive and heart burn from the fried chicken nuggets just to hear the steel the way we wish it could always sound.

Doug is a terrific player and it was really good to "hear" him at the top of his game.

Larry Behm

Last edited by Larry Behm on 3 Jan 2009 7:49 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Doug Jones

Oregon & Florida
Post  Posted 3 Jan 2009 5:18 pm    
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If I might chime in here (no pun intended). Emmons on steroids? There might be a few Barry Bonds jokes out of this; good one Larry. Seriously, though, I think we always strive to have good tone, presence and presentation. Your tone on stage may sound great, but the PA just ain't doin' it for the crowd. We don't always come across to the listener out front the way we want to regardless of which pairs of ears are out there. Every now and then we experience a night better than others, be it tone, playing or the overall band's performance. Last night it was happenin' from the get-go and Larry and Patti just happened to be there. I know it was loud, but not quite as loud as Larry described. Bottom line: boy was it fun! Who knows how it will sound tonight! Wouldn't it be great if we all got killer tone every night? Even the big boys with the stars and their sound techs can encounter a rough room or a bad night. I guess the point is to strive for those magic nights/moments, because those may well be the reason we keep sittin' down at that thang and keep pickin'.
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