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James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 23 Oct 2008 4:20 am    
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I was wondering if anybody has been using Logic 8 on thier Mac ....I understand it's a lot more LOGICal than previous versions ....I'm wanting to try something different than my years of working with D. Performer .....Thanks, Jim
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James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2008 2:57 pm    
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WOW !!....Nobody on the entire forum works with Logic ?..... Must be a bunch of PC er's around here .....Thanks ,JIm
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Randy Phelps

California, USA
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2008 8:41 pm    
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I use it. It just keeps getting better... if you are really into performer, I'd probably stay there.. Logic is a more powerful application but performer is plenty in most situations...

there are youtube demos, I've been using it along with melodyne and I love it.
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Tonu Timm

Post  Posted 28 Oct 2008 11:07 pm    
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I am Logic 8 user. Seems not too logic to me yet, but it's my fault for sure. Confused
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Gavin Dunn


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2008 12:43 am    
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I moved to logic 8 from protools...
It's great, I think the editing is brilliant in comparison, plus the plugin's are considerably more musical and useable. The space designer convolution reverb is one of the best tools around for a home (semi treated room) studio.
Also the requirement of hardware is a bonus.
No complaints, except for when I've got 50 or so tracks going with three times as many plugins....some other programs might feel the same at that point?!
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Pit Lenz

Cologne, Germany
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2008 2:42 am    
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I have to agree with Tonu:
Being a soundengineer (former console-and-tapemachine-guy) I always found logic VERY un-logic.
Though I have to admit that since logic 7 or even 8 they are much more user friendly than before.
Cutting and editing is still a royal pain in the behind to me.
Don´t know about DP, but others like Cubase/Nuendo or ProTools (Gavin, why did you move?) show how it can be done.

A lot of my collegues are very satisfied AND productive with L8.
So I guess the best software for you is not the one with the most bells and whistles, but the one you know how to operate and feel at home with!

And in the end logic with all it´s software instruments and the onboard FXs is a real bang for the €uro!
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James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2008 3:08 am    
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Thanks guys for your info ..... I am use to Digital Performer, but have never been thrilled with MOTU's customer support ...I have used their products since I switched years ago when there were only 2 sequencer programs out there .....It was known as Performer back then ... I have a full blown setup with 4- MTP's at one point in time all loaded with synth rack modules and keyboards ....The audio quality was always one step behind as it is today ....They have some swiss army knife type gear, but they are basically jack of all trades , master of none .... Since Apple has taken over Logic , I would guess that there is a lot more support from Apple since it's their baby now ... It will also FINALLY show Apple that music is a force to be reckoned with , and they will be more music friendly in the future ...I think they're learning that with the iPod , Garageband , and other products ....Thanks again for your input ....Sincerely, Jim
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Gavin Dunn


Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2008 8:14 am    
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Pit, the reason I switched over was for the comp style editing, which Protools has just copied in their most recent version. Plus the plugins are awsome.
To me it seems Protools is designed for straight up audio, where Logic is geared towards sitting in your basement by yourself doing it all.

And I can't stress this enough....No Hardware!
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Pit Lenz

Cologne, Germany
Post  Posted 29 Oct 2008 12:09 pm    
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I see your point, Gavin.
I was always into straight up (music and film) audio, only recently went into music production myself.
And you´re right, for your needs your decision was spot on.
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Brad Sarno

St. Louis, MO USA
Post  Posted 31 Oct 2008 12:01 pm    
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I use Logic, ProTools, Digital Performer, Cubase, Nuendo, Soundblade, and others.

Logic 8 is just killer. Great software, goes very deep, sounds good, and version 8 is pretty easy to get your head around compared to the previous versions. I like it. It especially shines if you like to compose using loops, and the midi instruments in it are quite good. Overall has a real nice Apple-esque aesthetic and vibe to it. It's amazing what you get for $500. And regarding the $199 Express version, I don't think anything can even come close anywhere as far as what you get for the money.

Cubase/Nuendo is also very nice. Good sounding, has all the cool tools too. Good program. There's a cult around Cubase/Nuendo in that many consider its mix engine to be the very best sounding among the popular DAW's. It has a nice feel to it too. Easy learning curve. For those who don't know, Nuendo is the much pricier version of Cubase that's more video post-production friendly. But essentially they're the same thing with the exact same sound quality. Cubase is far cheaper and is the right tool for most people.

ProTools is what it is. I hate how they're so proprietary with hardware, so it's not my favorite. And in tweakhead shootouts, ProTools' mix engine is not the favorite out there. ProTools HD is pretty good sounding though, and of course, it has all the editing tool power you could ever think of. It may not be the greatest, but it is the standard.

MOTU Digital Performer's latest release of version 6 is great. I've been with DP forever, and given all my choices, I choose DP6 first above the others. Logic and Cubase/Nuendo a close second. DP6 is fantastic in every respect. Great sounding mix engine too. Less buggy than Logic 8, but I'm sure Logic will work it out eventually. DP6 is very refined now, and very stable. All the cool comping tools are there now, cool new plugins, nice new look, very quick workflow environment, great instruments, editing is a breeze, includes its own Melodyne style real-time manual pitch correction, etc. DP6 is da bomb. In general I've had nothing but extremely good experiences with MOTU. But I do hear reports now and then that the customer service can be slow. But in the 10+ years I've been with MOTU, I don't think I've ever needed customer support from them.

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