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Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 3 Jun 2008 4:24 pm    
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I need some info on midi guitar. If anyone on the forum could give me some help I would be grateful
I need to know what kind of midi guitar or pickup and whatever else you need to play my guitar into my computer so it will convert to notation as I play. I have the software to do that, but don't know a thing about how to get my guitar music converted into midi. I want to use Band n Box, Tabledit and Adobe Audition.
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Loren Claypool

Mequon, WI
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2008 5:44 pm    
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Check out the Roland GK pickups, but be sure they'll work with a steel - I'm not sure. Perhaps someone on the forum can confirm or deny.

The Roland GI-20 Guitar - MIDI interface is a solid unit that works with GK and GK compatible pickups. I use it with a couple of electric guitars, it's tracks well, is feature rich, and is easy to use.

Product literature for both at
Loren Claypool
genre-indifferent instrumental guitar music
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Darvin Willhoite

Roxton, Tx. USA
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2008 5:55 pm    
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I also have a Roland GI-20, but I'm just learning how to use it. I have used a GR-33 guitar synth for a couple of years, but only live, I haven't recorded with it. I have a Brian Moore I2.13 guitar that is my favorite, and also a couple of Godin guitars that have built-in RMC pickups that track extremely well, and also provides a good acoustic guitar sound. The GI-20 has a USB port for recording directly into a computer. I will get around to trying it someday.
Darvin Willhoite
MSA Millennium, Legend, and Studio Pro, Reese's restored Universal Direction guitar, a restored MSA Classic SS, several amps, new and old, and a Kemper Powerhead that I am really liking. Also a Zum D10, a Mullen RP, and a restored Rose S10, named the "Blue Bird". Also, I have acquired and restored the plexiglass D10 MSA Classic that was built as a demo in the early '70s. I also have a '74 lacquer P/P, with wood necks, and a showroom condition Sho-Bud Super Pro.
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Loren Claypool

Mequon, WI
Post  Posted 3 Jun 2008 9:55 pm    
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I also have a GR-33, and formerly a G-30, as well. I very much enjoy the GR-33 but have been using soft-synths quite a bit over the last year. I have the Arturias MiniMoog (wow!), the standard ProTools offerings, and several amazing public domain VSTi's.

The GR-33 can function quite well as the MIDI interface. One of the things I enjoy about the GI-20, which perhaps is available with the GR-33, is the realtime control, specifically variations on expression and the transpose functions. One of my disciplines is Guitar Craft (, with New Standard Tuning (NST - CGDAEG, lo to hi). With my guitar in standard tuning and real time transpose in NST, I can do what I need to do.

I also have a Godin and a heavily modified Fender Roland Ready Strat, dubbed the Frankenstrat ( Both track extremely well through the GI-20 and the GR-33 (and the GR-30 before that). In my case, at least, a thoughtful approach, and very Guitar Craft-centric, to both the left- and right-hand technique is required; clean and precise is good. I found myself turning to the Godin for the GI-20 work. I haven't done a true AB kind of test, but my unscientific perception was that Godin was just a bit tighter for pure synth triggering through the GI-20, while the Strat was better for combination synth/guitar tones through the GR-33.

I have a new CD coming out in July - "One Feather Shy". I use guitar synth on several tracks. A couple are straight GR-33, but the bulk are various softsynths via the GI-20. There is a near-infinite universe of public domain VSTi softsynth / VST effects to be explored. For Pro Tool users, IMHO, the FXpansion VST to RTAS converter is a must.

There is quite a bit of steel on "One Feather Shy", as well. I don't consider myself a traditional lap steel player. Much of my work with lap steel on this project includes looped, effected, and manipulated lap steel to create very synth-like pad textures. There is "straight steel", as well, but my passion on this project was, if you will, "steel as synth pad". I did not, however, use the lap steels to drive the GR-33 or the GI-20. Thus my question - does the GK pickup config work with lap steel instruments. Intuition tells me it would, based on my extensive use of Strat whammy bar with the interface, but I have not tested that premise.
Loren Claypool
genre-indifferent instrumental guitar music
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Bill Dobkins

Rolla Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2008 5:27 pm    
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Stuart, I have a Casio midi guitar. The guitar itself is made by Ibanez. If you could find one you would love it. It tracks as good as any I have played. And the guitar plays great.
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Stuart Legg

Post  Posted 5 Jun 2008 10:35 pm    
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Thanks to all of you for all your help. I had to go on a trip with Bo and this is the first chance I've had to get back on the forum. I'll have to read and study on this awhile and I will also later look seriously at some of the offers I have received for midi gear. Loren, Darvin and Bill you have been a great help.
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