Any reports on the Tonic Preamp?

Steel guitar amplifiers, effects, etc.

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Josh Engle
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Post by Josh Engle »

Doug Jones wrote:
I've used it on stage twice and plan to use it more. In the interim, the Walker is still my stage rig. More info to follow as time, testing and venues permit. Respectfully submitted, -DJ-[/quote]

Hey Doug Jones...
You say you use the Walker for your stage rig. I assume you are talking about the stereo steel. I use the same rig. I am wondering if you have tried using the tonic as a pre-amp, and then into your Walker. I have been wondering if Brad's tonic might help me get a little more "tubey warmth" from the stereo steel.The stereo steel has a warmth control, but to my ears, it really makes my guitars low-mid's muddied up.
I don't know how these things work with the walker amp already having it's own pre-amp. Maybe Brad could give some insight as to how the tonic could work going into another solid state preamp or combo. Also, since it is stereo, is the rev a step up for this type application? Or is this what the Black Box is for?
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Brad Sarno
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Post by Brad Sarno »

If any combo amp setup has an input that comes after the preamp section, whether it's an effects return or a dedicated "power amp input" jack, then it should be pretty easy to use an external preamp.

The Black Box would typically come before a preamp. The Tonic or Revelation are fully blown preamps with more tube stages, gain and EQ, and would need to directly feed a power amp section.

Josh Engle
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Post by Josh Engle »

thanks Brad
Just to clarify, does a guy could go out of the tonic effects send into an external combo effects in?. Or does it go out of the tonic main out?Is the tonic effects output after the tube preamp section? Sorry for my ignorance regarding all this. Maybe this all sounds like overkill.
But i sure respect and value the opinions you give regarding any topic in this electronics section. Many thanks for your contributions to the steel community!
Jerry Lee Newberry
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Post by Jerry Lee Newberry »

Billy, Jerry's not much on talking on the forum, but he said to tell all you guys he is playing the new Tonic Pre-Amp with his new Mullen G2, and he LOVES it. Go buy one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Buy you new Mullen G2 while your at it!!!!!!!!!

Billy Murdoch
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Post by Billy Murdoch »

Thanks Donna,
I am picking up My "Tonic" at Dallas.
Unless it comes with a free Mullen I will stick with my Zums.
Look forward to seeing You next week.
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Brad Sarno
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Post by Brad Sarno »


the rear panel (line-level) effects loop is after the EQ/preamp section. But there is yet another tube stage after that to mix the effects with the dry signal, and also to drive the output section. The master volume is the last thing before the final tube. You could always just go out of the final output of the Tonic and into an effects unit. This would also give you the stereo option. The advantage to the internal loop is that it's parallel. You simply set your effects unit at 100% wet, and the FX knob on the Tonic mixes it back in with your guitar signal. This keeps your dry guitar signal pure and analog. Either way works though.

Josh Engle
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Post by Josh Engle »

Thank-you Brad. This sounds like what I really need. I'm sure you'll have an order from me sometime here!
Danny Letz
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Post by Danny Letz »

Anyone ready to volunteer any settings yet? I finally took mine out on a gig with a Stewert 200B amp and 15' BW and I was very pleased. It has however been a little difficult to dial in because of all the range of control. Mine seems to need to be pushed a little. I'm not crazy about what I get here in the house, but in a bigger venue it seems to find it's wings. I had a little trouble getting used to the tube sound, but it sure sounded good on that gig. I still prefer the Black Box when I use my Peavy amps for now. The Tonic with the little Stewert 200B sure makes a nice compact little system. Plenty of power. High quality sound to my ears.
Billy Murdoch
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Post by Billy Murdoch »

Hi Danny,

I play a Zum with a BL710 pickup And come out Of the "Tonic" XLR socket to the "Power amp in" at the back of My Nashville 112. I guess all these things are relevant.
The settings on the "Tonic" are almost the same as Brad has posted on the previous page,I use a little more Bass(about 3o'clock)and I probably fiddle a little with the Treble and color knobs during the night.I use a little delay and I also use a tiny bit of reverb(from the tonic)
I am more than pleased with the unit.
Brad has done a great job with it.
Best regards
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