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Ron Sodos

San Antonio, Texas USA
Post  Posted 31 Jan 2008 9:28 am    
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I have a question and would appreciate some response. I love the way my tone sounds 5 feet from my speakers. I recently saw a video of my playing and it seems my tone doesn't sound out in the audience at all the way it sounds up close.

Regarding the adjustments to my tone based on what is gained or lost out in the audience do I boost or lower treble and bass? Do i boost or lower reverb based on what is lost or gained?

Maybe I can get a better sound based on the feedback I recieve here in the forum.
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J Fletcher


Post  Posted 31 Jan 2008 12:26 pm    
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You could sit 40 feet or so out in front of your amp, and make adjustments accordingly. If you use a seperate head or preamp, then that could be sitting beside you and your steel.
There are some logistical problems with this method, obviously, and long cable runs from your steel will degrade the sound, unless you have a buffer. Speaker cable runs of forty feet shouldn't be a problem though...Jerry
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