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Author Topic:  Jerry Brightman at Ohio Valley Opry Nov. 17
Deana Clark


Beverly, Ohio., USA
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2001 5:13 am    
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A welcome to all: Jerry Brightman will be a guest entertainer at the Ohio Valley Opry, held at the historic McConnelsville Opera House (in Southeastern Ohio) on November the 17th. He will be delighting us with his brand of steel guitar on his segment, and then sharing the stage with our hometown super picker, Mike Sigler on Mike's segment. It is sure to be a great evening of fine steeling! For ticket info, just call: 740-558-2283, or just reply on this post.
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Parkersburg, WV...U.S.A
Post  Posted 4 Nov 2001 7:31 pm    
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What are the price of the tickets, where do we get them and please give directions to the opryhouse.
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Deana Clark


Beverly, Ohio., USA
Post  Posted 6 Nov 2001 5:00 am    
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Billy: Tickets are $5 in advance, and $6 at the door. (children 12 & under, are half price) You can pick up tickets in Marietta at Aletha's Florist, and In The Garden. Both of those shops are on the main drag that runs through town. Or, you can reserve them by calling 740-558-2283. The Opera House is right on the square in McConnelsville, which coming from your direction- you need to get onto Rt60 and go north. From Marietta it is about 30 miles. The Opera House is on Rt60, which is the main street in town, and is in the first cluster of buildings after you pass the court house on the right. Hope to see you there.
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Walter Jones


Athens, Ohio USA
Post  Posted 6 Nov 2001 6:07 pm    
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Deana, my wife and I will be there. Karen has never heard Jerry play except on TV so we are looking forward to the show. It's only an hour drive so I can't miss this one. Jerry had to cancel at Lexington last week but this will make up the disappointment of not getting to see him there. I know we are in for a real treat and some great pickin. This is the regular Ohio Valley Opry format plus Jerry, right? See you there.

PS; The home grown Ohio boys did us proud at Lexington last weekend.
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Deana Clark


Beverly, Ohio., USA
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2001 4:15 am    
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Yes, it is the regular show with Jerry as our featured guests. I have never met Jerry personally myself, but in our phone conversations, he seems like a terrific fella. We are really looking forward to him coming down. Do you want me to save you 2 tickets at the front door? They will hold them for you there with your name on it. Let me know. And I heard about our home grown boys doing a fine job. Proud of them.
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Danny Hullihen

Harrison, Michigan
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2001 10:34 am    
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Wish I could be there for this one. Jerry Brightman is a super player, and is someone you definately don't want to miss!

Best of luck to you, Jerry! Wish I could be there with you on this one.
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Walter Jones


Athens, Ohio USA
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2001 6:39 pm    
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Deana, please do hold 2 tickets for us. We will be there early and have dinner at Zanns restaurant across the street. A nice place to eat and relax after the drive, I am sure it will be a great show. Mike, play good, BE will take in your performance. See you all later.
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Herb Steiner

Briarcliff TX 78669, pop. 2,064
Post  Posted 7 Nov 2001 6:58 pm    
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Jerry Brightman AND Mike Sigler together onstage?! Holy Moley!

I hope the fiddler and guitarist are ready for this, not to mention the rhythm section... these guys together will put on a show of steel pyrotechnics worthy of a Herby Wallace/Doug Jernigan shootout!

I really wish I could be there for this one!

Gosh, I use exclamation points a lot!

Herb's Steel Guitar Pages
Texas Steel Guitar Association

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Mike Sigler

Give Em A Try !
Post  Posted 8 Nov 2001 3:56 pm    
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Hey walter, I'll be looken forward to seeing you there. tell greg he did a fantastic show in lexington.. and tell him thanks for the chance to open up for him.

Herb: Wish you were gonna be there as well, Im really glad the Deana & Marvin
( THE PRODUCERS OF THE OHIO VALLEY OPRY) are keeping steel guitar alive on the show.
Herby Wallace really rocked them back in june and now jerry in november...
I think maybe there really holden try outs for the steel spot on the show!
No- just kidden. I am very honored to be able to have some of my best buddys on the show.. and the Ohio Valley Opry doors are always open for all steel players.
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Walter Jones


Athens, Ohio USA
Post  Posted 18 Nov 2001 9:33 pm    
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Well folks, it's over and what a show. Herb, you said we were in for some steel pyrotechnics but let me tell you this one was a 4 alarm fire. It was all the McConnelsville/Malta Fire Dept could do to keep this one under control, they couldn't put it out, it just ended.

Jerry did a set by himself and then joined Mike for the rest of the show. Jerry gave us a little history about himself and then proceeded to make that Emmons stand up on its back legs and come out swinging. He played to a full house and received the credit and attention that he so richly deserves. We got to know him a little better and more personel after some of his stories, something you don't see at the steel guitar shows. At intermission he was so busy meeting people and signing autographs that he barely had time to take a break. His selections were very enjoyable and played to perfection. Now when it came time to turn up the wick a few turns you better settle down in your seat and hang on, with the support of a great band it was no holds barred.

Jerry joined Mike for the rest of the evening so we were treated to twin steels many times during the evening as different acts came on.

When Mike's set started I knew we were in for some hot licks tradin. Now I told you that Jerry turned up the wick a few turns, on Mikes set, Mike struck the match that lit the wick and we were off like a shot. A fast jazzed up version of " My window Faces The South " and just continued to get better. Some of the 4's had Mike on the C6 and Jerry on the E9 and then they would trade or twin or whatever came up in rapid fire order.

Marvin and Deana Clark have produced a great show and to have people like Herby Wallace and Jerry Brightman as guests is a steel guitarists dream. To see those guys alone is worth the price of admission, but don't forget the rest of the show. The variety of entertainment is outstanding and if you haven't made the trip to see the Ohio Valley Opry then you are missing some very good music.

After the show started we found out that we were sitting righ in front of Jerry Brightmans mother. What a wonderful lady and certainly a pleasure to meet her.

Well I guess I have rambled on enought here, I can't write anything negative about the show except, as always, it ends too soon.
I saw some of the Forum members present so I think steel guitar was well represented.
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Mike Sigler

Give Em A Try !
Post  Posted 19 Nov 2001 5:48 pm    
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Well I just had to jump back on and say how much fun i had with jerry, He's like the big brother i never had.. Jerry you are truly amazing, not only as a player but as a person.. I was so proud to be able to have you on our show. To me this what true steel guitar brotherhood is about.
When you can take a couple of steel guitar players and about 500 country music lovers and make a nite of it, Well it just dont get any better..Once again THANK YOU !
your still #1
love ya buddy.
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Jim Thompson

Washington, Pa. USA
Post  Posted 20 Nov 2001 11:53 am    
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Just a note to say it was a pleasure meeting you and all the staff at the show. Patty and I went to hear Mike and Jerry, but we both enjoyed the entire show. Especially the kids. They are great. They stole the show. Mike and Jerry were both fantastic. I wish there were some good gospel singers around my area that I could do that kind of thing with.
You can rest assured that Mike hasn't heard the end of the Chap-stick ordeal yet either.
Hope to see you guys again soon.

Zum U-12 8&6
John Hughey's biggest fan

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Deana Clark


Beverly, Ohio., USA
Post  Posted 20 Nov 2001 3:30 pm    
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To All: Thanks for the kind words about the show. We all had an absolute blast with Jerry on the show. My favorite part was on Mike's show when he and Jerry were "battling it out"- and all in fun. No competition was detected at all. Thanks to Herb for the kind words about my girls. They are definately little sweethearts. I hope you folks can come back down to the show soon. It was good to meet you both.
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Everett Cox


Marengo, OH, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 20 Nov 2001 10:48 pm    
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Yes, it was a fine show, indeed!!! My Mom's going to be 100 this December so I don't get her to as many events as we'd like. Going down to the Ohio Opry was 130 miles each way but was well worth the trip. We hope to do it again and as often as we can.

All the folks treated Mom like a queen and she loved it! They were kind enough to announce her presence and the whole audience welcomed her. Really a nice gesture - thanks.

For little more than the price of a hamburger, you get 3 hours of good people doing good things. Usually, something rare is quite expensive. And it's getting much too rare finding decent family entertainment that all the family can enjoy.

You can go to some other places and see/hear stars on the top rung of the ladder - and that's great. But these folks put on a darn good show with a variety of musical styles in the way that 'country' used to be. Like I said, good people doing good things.

And Mike Sigler can hold his own with just about anyone! He can, and often does, pick faster than most of us can hear - literally. There were times when I could no longer distinguish individual notes. That certainly is not ALL that Mike does, though. His more 'normal' paced playing shows skill and inovation on solo's as well as very nice background and fills. (He DOES play better than he sings, though. 'grin')

Any one that likes kids (and also most people that don't) would have to get a little warm & fuzzy with Deanna's kids. They each did great from the eldest (about 10?) to the youngest (maybe 3?).

Of course, Deanna and Marvin Clark hosted and produced some fine music, themselves. The rest of the staff band did well, too. Add several other 'regulars' and 'guests', and you have a great big smile on the face while driving back home.

I could say more - and probably will next time - but got to go now. --- Everett
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Deana Clark


Beverly, Ohio., USA
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2001 7:35 am    
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So good to hear from you. I didn't realize you were on the forum until now. (Now I know how you found out about the show!) We were so happy to have you folks in the audience last Saturday night. Please let me know if you are coming next month, we would like to sing "happy birthday" to your mom. My son said that you folks had a little trouble getting in the building. Just so you know, we have wheelchair ramps, and we'll help you find them the next time you come. Now about my girls, the oldest is 12, the youngest is 5. (they wanted me to say that!)
Yes, for sure, Mike is an awesome player. I think you have done the best job in describing him that I have ever heard. Once you get to know him, you'd also find out that he is also one heck of a great person too. And Jerry B is also top notch. I feel totally blessed to get to be a part of this great show. I believe that it is going to be around for quite some time. God Bless, Deana
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Jerry Brightman

Post  Posted 22 Nov 2001 6:33 am    
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To The Ohio Valley Opry:
What a show...I can't beleive anyone would have wanted for more entertainment that night. Mike had his picks all shinned up and ready to play, along with that hot staff band. I understand after listening to Matt's new CD why he is so excited..he should be. Marvin and Deanna, and all of your family, if your playing and singing don't just reach down and grab you, then you have stone in your veins..

Thanks to all of the wonderful new friends that I met at the show along with all my other friends and supporters attending that night. I'm sorry I did not get to meet
everyone there, but perhaps another time.

Everett, speaking of mom's, I guess we had one thing in common, my mom was present and heard me play for the first time since 1985.
A tear fell as I saw the "proud mom" look I once saw so many times from stages around this country.

Once again, thanks to all and may God bless you and your families during the holidays.

Jerry Brightman
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