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Author Topic:  Trouble In Mind - With C6th C to C# Change Theory+ Audio +
Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2008 9:35 am    
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Here's some work I did to describe and demonstrate the value of the C to C# changes on the C6th tuning. It's like having a whole new world of music to play! I have made previous posts about this but this time I have included some diagrams and a sample tune that uses this change extensively.

Hear Trouble In Mind

PDF file of tab and theory


Last edited by Greg Cutshaw on 5 Jan 2008 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mark van Allen

Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2008 12:03 pm    
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Hey, Greg, very fine teaching and an excellent overview of this extremely useful lever. Way to go!
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Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jan 2008 9:17 pm    
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Thanks Mark! I've seen a lot of posts about this previously but it wasn't until I installed it that I saw the potential. A lot of these notes can be gotten with other pedals in other positions but this just makes playing so much easier and the sound a little smoother.

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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2008 4:36 pm     Pedal #4 or #5
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Greg, Did you not mean pedal #5 to get the F# and make it a A6th when you had the C#, LKV engaged? You said Pedal #4...then strings 9 and 10 would be F# and D
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Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jan 2008 6:16 pm    
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Thanks for the correction Brad. I had to read it through a few times to see it because I was so used to glossing over what I had written. The Pedal 4 references in the text are all changed to pedal 5 now. Strings 9 and 10 with pedal 5 active become F# and D, 6th and 4th scale notes. And thanks to you we gained another 6th scale note on string 9 and strings 2 through 9 contribute to the A6th chord.

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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jan 2008 11:47 am     Pedal #5
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Greg, Thanks for all the ideas you bring to us, I greatly appreciate all the time and effort you put into our craft. Greg, I was thinking along the same lines, as far as going from C6th to A6th and came up with the idea of raising strings 3 and 7 from c to C# (same as you do) but also lowering string 5 to F# with the same C6 LKV. The raises are only 1/2 tone raises and the lower is only 1/2 ton lower so it should not be a strain or hard pull. I never really liked those changes on strings 9 and 10 because they never really stay in tune especially the string 10 changes. I never really noticed how bad they go out before we got electronic ears told me but the tuners proved that I was right. That low C going to an A with pedal 8 and then to D with pedal 5 really is never close in tune on any Steel I've had and I do not think it is the steels but just the nature of a low string making that much of a change, Anyway, what do you think of my idea of putting the 3 changes on the C6 LKV...that A6th sound is really nice in some POP tunes
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Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jan 2008 1:09 pm    
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I am still sorting out what changes I need to use with other changes given all that I've added recently. So I am not in a position to comment about combining them all together especially not knowing how many levers and pedals you have. We all place different weights on the value of different changes so I don't think there's one right way.

The bottom two strings are problematic for tuning! I tend to tune the bottom C a little flat open to compensate for the effect of the bar pushing on it, then I reach behind the nut to pull it sharp when playing it open. In some cases I just add vibrato or slant the bar until everything sounds in tune. Since I went to a little larger/heavier bar, the lower 2 strings are a lot clearer so I tend to sue them more.

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Brad Malone


Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jan 2008 7:36 pm     C6th to A6th
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Greg, Included in my thinking was that most of us are only trying to go from C6th to A6th and if we had the 2 pulls and the one lower on the same knee lever it would be less effort than doing it with a knee lever and the 5th pedal. When you do it with a knee lever and pedal 5, you are actually moving 5 strings instead of 3 strings and as you say the bottom two strings present a tuning problem and in most cases we don't use them anyway because the A6th chord we want is on strings 2 thru 8. The other factor is coordination, with the 3 strings hooked to the one lever, one does not have to worry about having the knee lever and pedal 5 pushed at the same time thereby eliminating possible mischords...just my thoughts.
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Greg Cutshaw

Corry, PA, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jan 2008 8:13 pm    
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You sure could tune it to sound better that way. Normally I tune pedal 5 to sound good by itself. That doesn't yield a really in tune A6th sound when combined with the C#. In my case I would want both pedals separately to be used with others and wouldn't want to dedicate a knee lever to A6 when I could use it to get more sounds. Guess a lot depends on what music you play and how often you use a given change. It'd be pretty terrible if we all cloned each other's styles! Variety........

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