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Author Topic:  Why Would I Say Goodbye.
Charles Dempsey

Shongaloo, LA
Post  Posted 20 Dec 2007 12:34 pm    
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I've been off PSG for a while playing 6-string on a new CD. Now I've got that behind me I'm back on the bar.

Been working on Brooks and Dunn - Why Would I Say Goodbye, and got this far. If anyone has more or is inclined to offer suggestions I'd be grateful.


Brooks & Dunn - Why Would I Say Goodbye


1 _____________________________________12%~12__________
2 _____________________________________________________
3 ___________________12b~12____________________________
4  ___12____________________12~~~12c____________
5 _____12_____________________12~12c_____________12~~~~12a
6 _______12b_12_____________________________________12~12b

1 ______________________________________________________
2 ______________________________________________________
4 ___________________________________________
5 _12a__12_______12____12a______7~7a_7a_7____________7~~~~7~7a
6 _12b__12__12b__12____12b______7~7b_7b_7_____7~7b~~~~7b~~~7b
7 __________12a________________________________
8 __________________________________________7_____________

% My RKL raises #1 F# to G#, so that's a G# to F# gliss.

Yes officer, I know I smell like beer. I'm not drinking it, I'm wearing it!
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