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Randy Reeves

LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2007 9:51 am    
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I am in need of one of you guys to lay down a track of pedal steel fills and a lick for a song I wrote. I recorded my acoustic, voice, and lap steel. my ears tell me to lose the lap steel and get some pedal steel in the mix.
it is a simple song that came out one morning. I recorded it before the feeling got away. a friend that listened to it said I had slept with John Prine's muse.

so I post here with my hat out. have a listen. I will delete the lap steel part. any body want to try?
here is a link:

'Smoke His Brand' is the second take.
'I smoke his brand' is the first and unrefined.
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Tony Prior

Charlotte NC
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2007 10:39 am    
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I would leave it alone, it's an Americana folky sort of tune and the Slide works for me...
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Joe Savage


St. Paul, MN
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2007 10:41 am    
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Randy, send me an email. I can help you.
Joe Savage
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Randy Reeves

LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2007 11:17 am    
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thanks Tony.
hey Joe. long time. I will contact you.
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Billy McCoy

Ft. Worth, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2007 1:31 pm     pedal steel on track
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I can probably help you out. Are you going to keep it just acoustic and steel? Might help to add bass and drum tracks. It is easy to do...especially if you have played with a click or quantized the track.

If you are going to add more instruments...add those first, then add the pedal steel.

Let me know if you are still interested.

Studio and Stage

MSA Millennium 2 D10, Walker Stereo Steel, Stone Tree Custom Tele, Tom Anderson Hollow "T", Brian Moore I-Guitar, Bad Cat (Trem Cat 30w), Fender Evil Twin and POD HD 500
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Delvin Morgan

Lindstrom, Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2007 4:43 pm    
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I know Joe can help you, but I like the blusie, earthy sound of the steel the way it is. What lap steel did you use, what acoustic? Sounded good.
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Delvin Morgan

Lindstrom, Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2007 4:51 pm    
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Hey Randy,

I see that you build laps. Forget that last question then.
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Randy Reeves

LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 31 Oct 2007 5:28 am    
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I recorded this song with a Martin DC16 electric/acoustic and my Rickenbacher Model 59.
I am not confident of my C6 lap playing.
I do like the earthly quality of everything, but I hear a pedal steel in my head.

my computer is down at home again...uswireless issues.
I haven't heard from Joe at my home address yet, but I cannot get in to check.
I will keep you all posted.

I have a feeling this song will evolve. I am not a song writer and am surprised this came out one day.

the timing is good as it is the aniversary (six years) of my dad's passing.
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Joe Savage


St. Paul, MN
Post  Posted 31 Oct 2007 6:36 am    
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Dude, I thought you were going to get a hold of me!?!
Send me an mp3 and I can lay something down for you.
Joe Savage
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Randy Reeves

LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 31 Oct 2007 7:03 am    
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Joe. I sent you a PM from this site.

my computer at home (where the song lives) has been having trouble with our city's wifi. right now I am not connected. they tell me 'soon'.

once connected I can send you the mp3.
I appreciate your interest.
PM me from here with a good email address.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 1 Nov 2007 3:03 pm    
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Hope I don't come off as a "heavy", here. Oh Well

Lot of good ideas there, but I don't quite follow the story the song's telling. Like - what "song" is your father remembering? Did he have a band? (We should know.) Okay, you're also losing lovers and friends. Why? Because Mom and Dad aren't there to guide you? Because you're a musician? Because you're lonely? You sang "When you're all grown up you don't need...eyes, alibis? I can't tell what's that line's really saying. To me, you have to be able to follow (understand) the story the song's telling, and it seems to be going in different directions.

Like I said, you've got a good start, you've got some catchy lines, and good rhyme and meter. The basics are all there, but I think the song needs a little more work before you start worrying about adding tracks.
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Randy Reeves

LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 2 Nov 2007 4:16 am    
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ah. a critique. Thanks Donny. you have raised an important point. I am not sure how to answer. how much does the usual song writer explain their verses. I would need a Cliff Notes book if I wanted all the explanations in Dylan's writing. (oh, lord, I am not comparing myself so please don't misunderstand).
the words have meaning to me. how I understand your point is:
what is my responsibility to the listener?

I do not know. I do not what to be blunt. yet I do not want to be vague with the words.
in general the song is about being aware of where I am right now. it is remembering the past and a life experienced. and coming up with conclusions of life, either right or wrong.
my father dies of alzheimers. in Heaven he has his mind back.
growed up and not needing eyes is about losing ones vision with aging and also losing one's innocence by formed opinions developed from experience and aging.
in life we lose people. although the song 'sounds' lonely, I am not.
now having explained some of the lyrics I can't help but feel lame and un-creative.
a better song writer would have it differently and have a more successful result for the listener.
I am not a writer. this is new to me.
I admit I have to learn writing technique (just as one needs to know chords).I am all for improvement.

the other side is where I get defensive or angry.
too bad if you can't understand the words. use some imagination.
but I hardly go there. I know of my responsibilities as an artist and I should apply that to my writing.
perhaps there is another way of saying it.

lastly. Donny. the song began as an impression. it has the foundation or legs to be something. it has a compass but it needs a direction. I am close and this excites me.
I appreciate all feedback. thanks.
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Bent Romnes

London,Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 2 Nov 2007 5:38 am    
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Randy, My opinion is that you took poetic license with that song.
This is totally "allowed" for a writer. From my experiences writing poetry, I say that it is not up to the writer to explain so that everybody understands, but it is up to the listener to not only hear the song, but to listen and make up his/her own interpretation.
The song was somewhat obscure to me too...but I have listened only once. Had I listened to it ten times, I would have grasped a message that would have been meaningful to me. Regrettably, I will not have the opportunity to do that now, since you were put on the spot and made to explain what you were trying to convey.

Another thing...this is not some "wearing my heart on my shoulder" type of country song know the type " My baby left me, my dog died and I will drive my pickup to the bar and get drunk". No. It is rising above the generic type and asks the listener to really listen.

Again, from my feeble attempts of writing the odd verse, I will attest to the fact that this song has potential. You continue to polish it ands you will see what a great song it can turn into.
Good luck!
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Randy Reeves

LaCrosse, Wisconsin, USA
Post  Posted 2 Nov 2007 5:46 am    
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Bent. thanks. I understand and agree. maybe I should edit out my explanation. I hate doing edits and I dislike explaining.
this is new territory for me; writing and finishing a song.
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