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Sonny Jenkins

Texas Masonic Retirement Center,,,Arlington Tx
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2007 8:46 am    
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I saw a post a while back re: a software program that transfers ALL (profiles, defaults, passwords)the contents of one computer to another one. This has always been a problem when buying a new computer,,,which I seem to have to do pretty often. I usually get someone to set it up for me,,,but if there was a program that would do it,,would be great.
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Gary Shepherd

Fox, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2007 10:24 am    
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I think Windows has this feature built-in.
Gary Shepherd

Carter D-10 & Peavey Nashville 1000
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 13 Oct 2007 11:11 am    
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Windows Vista has some capabilities to transfer user data from one computer to another. There is also a free downloadable program on the Microsoft web site (I don't recall what it is right now and I had posted it a month or so ago on this forum) that will allow you to transfer some (not all) programs from a Windows XP PC to a Vista PC.

Just depends on what you need to do. Along with the software you will need a special USB cable to do the transfers.

Another option, if the new PC will support the old PATA (IDE) hard drive is to just temporarily install the drive in the new PC and copy the files you want to the new hard drive. This will be user files such as pictures, music, the contents of the My Documents folder, etc and not programs as programs must be installed using the program's installation application. The reason I say support is that most new PC's use SATA hard drives, some still use PATA optical drives (CD/DVD drives) and you could borrow one of those ports temporarily to connect your old hard drive, and some new PC's also use SATA optical drives and do not have IDE hardware support.

The other option is as you have done in the past, have someone else do it for you. Some stores will transfer your data for a fee, and you may be able to haggle the transfer function for free with the PC purchase.
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