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Mickey Adams

Bandera Texas
Post  Posted 4 Sep 2007 9:28 pm    
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I want to thank all of you for pushing my YouTube clips to over 50,000 hits this week. I cant tell you all how floored I am. I have the current YouTube videos to date, available on DVD disc for those of you that would like a copy. I am compiling a beginners DVD, the first in a series, which will be available soon. You can email me at for details..
Mickey Adams
Las Vegas NV
2017 MSA LEGEND XL D10, S10, Studio Pro S12 EXE9
Mullen G2, Rittenberry S10, Infinity D10, Zumsteel 8+9
Anderson, Buscarino, Fender, Roman Guitars, Sarno Octal, Revelation Preamps, BJS BARS, Lots of Blackface Fenders!
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Joel Hill

Ridgeland, Mississippi, USA
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2007 4:55 am     Instruction
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Hey Mickey, I'm glad to hear of your YouTube success and I can understand why. You are a great teacher. I was wondering if you have been following the thread about lessons- on- line via web cam. I am not sure how it is going to pan out and it may be too expensive to set up but would probably be worth the cost for the right teacher. Would you consider such a venture? With your schedule and flying and all. Maybe you could teach online while resting during your time off!! Joel
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Mickey Adams

Bandera Texas
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2007 2:08 pm     Yes I have
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Thanks for the kind words Joel. I have basic Microsoft certification as well. Knowing what i know about OS issues, bandwidth, hardware conflicts etc..I remain a little skeptical. There are a wide variety of versions of Windows in use, (all betas if you ask me). As long as the bandwidth is there on both ends, it would be remarkable...Lets take it a step further into the future. What if sheet music could be loaded into a software program that would generate a virtual instructor, and fingerboard? The computer would be able to instantly retrieve EVERY position that a phrase could be played, and demonstrate it in real time. This is exactly what im working on right now. The technology exists, and can be adapted. One hurdle is that the music must be converted to midi format first. What you would not get, is a human emotion in the execution, but that could easily be introduced by the user after the physical moves have been mastered.....sounds outlandish doesnt it?...
2017 MSA LEGEND XL D10, S10, Studio Pro S12 EXE9
Mullen G2, Rittenberry S10, Infinity D10, Zumsteel 8+9
Anderson, Buscarino, Fender, Roman Guitars, Sarno Octal, Revelation Preamps, BJS BARS, Lots of Blackface Fenders!
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Joel Hill

Ridgeland, Mississippi, USA
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2007 2:52 pm     lessons
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I am interested in that idea as well. Sheet music would scanned into a computer program to create the fretboard and instructor? A very unique concept for instruction! Now if I can figure out who can make a time delay unit so that i can catch up to the rest of the band I'll be good to go!! Very Happy
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