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Author Topic:  Ron Stafford
Chuck Cusimano


Weatherford, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2007 12:49 pm    
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I had the pleasure of working with Ron Stafford last Sat night in Proctor Texas. What a fine example of "Professional Musician"! He always comes to the gig with a big smile, Handshake, and ready to give 150% I get to work with him fairly often and I always enjoy it.

Some of you have heard him play Steel, Guitar, and Sing, and he does them all excellent too, I might add. If you haven't, you owe it to yourself to try a little harder next time.

Also on the gig was Wayne Bennett, an outstanding drummer, and a great guy too. And also one of the very best friends anyone could ever have, was our fearless leader for the night, Jerry Webb, playing bass and singing some of the great REAL country songs that he writes. I had a ball!

The air conditioner was not working, and it was plenty hot, but we had some fans on stage that kept the air moving, and that helped a lot.

Catch Ron Stafford and his new Raines Steel guitar sometime, and he'll knock you out.
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Dick Wood

Springtown Texas, USA
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2007 1:21 pm    
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Hey Chuck,

Where ya been keeping yourself lately? I've heard Ron a couple of times and will agree that he is one very good steel picker,singer and telewhacker.

I've been soo busy lately that I never have a chance to get out and see Ron or any other local players like I'd like but then if I did, I wouldn't have gobs of money to go with my good looks.
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Jerry Webb


Weatherford, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2007 12:45 pm    
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I can say without a doubt that of all my 38 years playing music, the past few have been the most rewarding, enjoyable and productive.

Thanks to the fine talents of guys like Ron Stafford, Chuck Cusimano, Wayne Bennett, Steve Soloman, Gary Carpenter, Billy Martin and so many others who raise the bar each time they set foot on the bandstand.

The greatest pleasure I have had is to share their frienship, work with them and learn from their tremendous talent and professionalism.

My hat's off to you guys. I never take this for granted.
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