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What, INYO,is the Most simple recording software

Posted: 5 Oct 2006 10:26 am
by Al Marcus
When I recorded my songs to Cassette, I just hit record, played the song, then played it back , and it was saved on tape.

I am looking for a software program that will record, save it to a playlist, then burn the CD of the playlist. I also want to copy them over to a MP3 confirguration for sending on the internet. I don't want to go to college again, to learn to use it. I would rather be playing my Steel Guitar!!

I wonder if you fellow members can tell me In Your Opinion, the most easy to use simple digital recording software that you have used. Image

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Posted: 5 Oct 2006 3:52 pm
by Chip Fossa is pretty good Al. Records very well and you can convert to many varied formats, including mp3. But it doesn't burn CDs.

I paid about $50 for GW back in '98 or '99. records, is more limited than GW, and it also does not burn. It's FREE. Shareware.

Posted: 5 Oct 2006 8:33 pm
by Al Marcus
Chip-Thanks, I'll check it out. I don't really need a CD burner, as I have that capability.

I just want the simplest recording program. No bells and whistles. Is anyone using one that is working good, that you can give me your opinion.

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Posted: 5 Oct 2006 9:03 pm
by richard burton
Audacity is excellent.
I use it a lot for putting my vinyl collection onto the hard drive, then editing and burning to CD.

To record my own playing, be it guitar or steel, is no different than recording vinyl onto the hard drive.

Posted: 6 Oct 2006 11:31 am
by Andy Sandoval
Al, PowerTracks works great and is very compatible with Band in a Box.

Posted: 6 Oct 2006 2:55 pm
by Ben Jones
are we talking about multitrack recording? or just burning "songs" to a cd? I found Tracktion to be the easiest multitrack recording platform. you save your work as wave files, then import into itunes and burn cd or make mp3's. For burning cd's and mp3 conversion I just use itunes. Its free easy and well organized. NO multitrack DAW software is as easy as a cassette recorder, but some definetly have a steeper learning curve than others. Lets face it, if theres a computer involved, there will be something to learn and something to adjust and some kind of problem that needs to be worked out or tweaked.

Posted: 7 Oct 2006 5:52 am
by Sonny Jenkins
Al this is a link Ben Jones sent me and, although I've not tried it yet, looks very basic and simple to use,,,like you,,,I don't want to approach recording as a new career,,,

Posted: 7 Oct 2006 6:58 am
by Ben Jones
That mp3 recorder looks neat but I didnt send it to you Sonny, musta been someone else. Ive never seen that before. sorry.
I use mini disc for live recording. Tracktion for multitrack. itunes for burning and mp3 conversion. I am one of those folks who isnt too computer savy and I dont like complex systems for recording. I want to be able to push record and go without consulting a manual or thirty drop down menus and those programs allow me to do that and sound pretty good too.

Posted: 7 Oct 2006 8:19 am
by Al Marcus
Richard and Andy thanks for the tips.

I do have Powertracks with BIAB but that big manual is something I hate to dig into.

Sonny-Your link program looks like a fairly simple one. I'll try it Image

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Posted: 7 Oct 2006 1:02 pm
by John Daugherty
Since I have "Nero" which I use to burn CDs, I use the included "Nero Wave Editor" for recording stereo tracks. It's the easiest-to-understand program I tried and I have several recording programs.


Posted: 8 Oct 2006 7:26 am
by Sonny Jenkins
,,,sorry 'bout that Ben,,,,It was Russ Little that deserves credit for that link. I'd like to know more about the mini disc recording too,,,is it something like a cassette, where you just push (maybe a liiittle bit more LOL) a button and go>????

Posted: 8 Oct 2006 8:54 am
by Al Marcus
John-I have heard good things about Nero. But I don't have it.

Ben-Your idea of recording direct to Mini-disc sounds like a good one as I dont think you have to even open the computer. I know my Friend Fred Welch from Michigan nearby, records direct to a Disc Recorder without the computer and does well with it.
It is sort of like using a casstte recorder. Just hit record, finalize the disc and your done. But I don't have that kind of expensive equipment, and don't need the expense for what little home recording I do. Just a few for some of my friends.

In the next few weeks, I'll try out some of these ideas and let you guys know how I do with Image
(edit for spelling)
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