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Author Topic:  Brand new Fender Deluxe 6 & 8 !
Rick Alexander

Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2004 2:58 am    
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In my never ending quest for Stringmaster Tuners, I heard Fender Japan is making the Deluxe 6 and Deluxe 8 - that's a single neck Stringmaster. So I contacted Ishibashi Musical Instruments, the International distributor for Fender Japan to ask if the tuners might be available. Here is the reply:

Dear Rick,

Thank you for your e-mail. This is Noriko from internet sales department of
Ishibashi Musical Instruments.
I am afraid to let you know this but Fender Japan does not sell the Fender Japan machine heads for Deluxe 8 Steel guitar seperately, sorry.....

If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Noriko Sada
International Sales Agent/Ishibashi WEB SHOP
to which I replied:

Dear Noriko,
Thank you for your prompt reply. Can you please tell me if the Deluxe 8 Steel Guitar is available and how much it would cost? Is there a picture of it on an internet page?
Thank You,
Rick Alexander

here is the reply to that:

Dear Rick,

Thank you for your reply. This is Noriko from Ishibashi.
We deal with the Fender Japan DLX-8.
Here is my offer on the item.

Fender Japan
DLX-8---144,000 yen
Shipping fee---17,000 yen(insurance fee included)
The total---161,000 yen

Any tax is not required in Japan, however, you will have to pay import duty in your country.
I guess that you should pay the customs; 5-10% per the price.
However, I do not sure it, please ask the customs at your end.

We accept payment by a credit card ( VISA, Master and AMEX ) and by bank wire.
Bank wire fee 3,000 Yen will be required in addition if you choose bank wire payment.
When your order is firm, we will give you detailed information about payment.

Here is the site for the picture on the Fender Japan DLX-8.


And if you follow the link you will see a brand new Deluxe 8 and a brand new Deluxe 6. That's a lotta yen . . Will the D8s, T8s and Quadnecks follow?? I should ask my friend Noriko!

Rick Alexander
Fender Stringmaster, National New Yorker
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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2004 4:49 am    
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That around $1500 US Dollars, not including any US Customs fees or duties.

If I was looking, I'd buy an original while they are still in that price range.

Good to know they are in production. Thanks for the link. Maybe in the future they'll be made in Mexico, and sell for the price of Mex Strat.
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Rick Alexander

Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2004 9:46 am    
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Maybe if the Deluxes do well they'll start making Stringmaster D8s and T8s . .

Rick Alexander
Fender Stringmaster, National New Yorker
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Tom Olson


Spokane, WA
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2004 9:56 am    
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Rick, my understanding is that Fender Japan has been making those Fender steels since Fender stopped making them in the US back sometime in the '80s(?). I believe I read that Fender shipped the tooling for steels to Japan at that time.

Joey, I agree with your calculation on the price. It would be about $1500 plus import duties which could be in the hundreds of dollars.

[This message was edited by Tom Olson on 02 September 2004 at 10:58 AM.]

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Chris Scruggs


Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2004 12:29 pm    
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They have been made in Japan for quite a while. Once when Don Herron borrowed a Japanese D-8 Stringmaster for a gig in Europe. The guy who lent it to him paid about $2000.00 for it.

If Fender Japan made a Deluxe8 for under $1000.00, I would buy it. Just to support new Fender steels being made(remember, before the new American '62 Tele Custom's and '62 Jaguars where being reissued, they where made in Japan), and so I could have a guitar I didn't care about to take on the road(I'd much rather play an outdoor gig in the rain with a new Japanese guitar than with a 1954 Fender).

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Rick Alexander

Florida, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 2 Sep 2004 1:37 pm    
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They don't sell tuner assemblies seperately - I wonder . . . if you have a Japanese Deluxe and a tuner fails would THEY support THEIR product and provide the parts ? ? ?
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