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Ron Victoria


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2004 4:31 pm    
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I've always used E A E A C# E as my A tuning so I can quickly tune the C# down to get my minor chords. I see A C# E A C# E listed as an A maj tune. Will I have to restring to use that one and is there any pro/con for using one over the other? I strickly play rock-n-roll but would like to try some other A tunings. Thanks, Ron
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2004 6:15 pm    
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The A tuning as you notice had two basic popular spellings:



The top one was the first; and referred to as A low-bass tuning; the bottom as A high-bass tuning. If one studies for a moment, one can see the evolution from the original "portugese" regular guitar tuning to the Hawaiian tuning, then later to the more modern Hi-Bass A tuning.

They differ in style depending upon whether the player is more a "thumb" or rythm style player to a more melody oriented player. The Hi-Bass being melody style.

In other words, the low bass tuning, used the thumb as a 1 5 1 5 1 bass line and the top strings were the melody. The hi-bass on the other hand made use of the the 3rd note in the bass register relatively speaking so melody and harmony could make use of the bass strings.

It would be a good idea to change the gauges if you are going to Hi0 Bass.

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George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 9 Jul 2004 11:27 am    
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If you want to hear a nice example of the A Major tuning on cd, e-mail George Rout and purchase his Hawaiian Steel Guitar cd.
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