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Guitar ordered by what about a bar?

Posted: 20 Jun 2004 3:50 pm
by Bill Byrd
As previously mentioned- I took lessons in the fifties. I remember I had a black tapered bar. I can see on the forum that others have asked about it too (Black Rajah). I had it because my teacher said "Here. You need this. Your dad owes me two bucks (or whatever)." It's long gone and I have no idea which one to buy for my 50's Fender Champ. What's a good one for a beginner who wants pretty sounds?


Posted: 20 Jun 2004 4:49 pm
by Andy Volk
Bill, a good starter bar would be a Dunlop Jerry Byrd bar or, if you want to get close to the feel of a black Raja, then I'd go with a black phoenix bar.

Dunlop bar:

Black Phoenix:;$sessionid$IUQCNYQAAAI21TZENUFZPQWPERWRJPX0?UCIDs=480776%7C1200282