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Stephen Gambrell


Over there
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2006 6:28 am    
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Congrats to Reece, Tom, and ESPECIALLY Rico Turchetti, whose induction into the Hall of Fame has been clouded by the petty bickering that always takes place after the convention. Mssrs. Anderson and Bradshaw's contributions are well notated, but an apology is CERTAINLY due the Turchetti family, for our neglect of his induction, when it's the guys like him that led to guys like me trying to push two pedals down at the same time.
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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2006 12:20 pm    
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Stephan I couldn't agree with you more. Rico Turchetti is probably "really the inventor of the pedal steel". He just didn't have the where with all, nor the desire to do a patent on it. I saw one of his guitars, and one time had a picture of it-but unable to find it now, when I was a kid in the late 30's, or early 40's in Troy New York at the Tech Institute there. What a contraption --pedals on both ends with chains hooked up to the strings.

I don't remember too much, but only that his feet were a whir and it sounded great It's super that the HOF remembers some of the old guys...

Al Marcus is another pioneer in our community.


"From Truth, Justice is Born"--Quanah Parker-1904

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Pete Young

Quebec, Canada
Post  Posted 5 Sep 2006 1:26 pm    
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It was really good to see Rico's name go in to the HOF. In the days that he was playing they did not have the exposure that we do today. Today they list the steel player most of the time so you know who it is playing. Nice to see him remembered
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Chris Turchetti


Rhode Island, USA
Post  Posted 23 Nov 2006 8:01 pm    
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Hello , I'm Chris Turchetti, Rico's Son.
Thanx for the kind words about my Father Steve Fred & Pete. I read about how to send a picture to this forum , but it doesn't make sense to me. I'd love to post some pictures of my dad here though. Can someone maybe write the procedure down in terms that I'll understand ? That UBB code gets confusing and I'm pretty good with computors.The way that I read it , I guess that it takes it off of your hard drive by the file name of the picture if you type IMG in front of the picture file name and /IMG after the file name , but that wouldn't make sense , would it ??
Anyway , if anyone has any questions , I'll be happy to respond. Thanx again ,
Chris Turchetti.
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Don Poland

Hanover, PA.
Post  Posted 24 Nov 2006 3:03 am    
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Actually Chris, The photo's have to be hosted off site. There are a number of photo hosting sites available, being just one of them.

I would be glad to host them for you. I have a site named that has a "Mugshots" page of steel players from all over the world. You can send them via email to me and I can post them for you.

1974 MSA D10 Classic 8+5, Hilton Volume Pedal, Hilton Digital Sustain, Peavey Profex II, Nashville 112
If you ain't steelin' it, you ain't feelin' it !!

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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 24 Nov 2006 10:34 am    
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Chris-Welcome aboard , glad to see you. I am glad that he got recognized for the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame. He earned it.

I remember Rico, your Dad, playing on the Arthur Godfrey show in the 50's. He had built his own pedal steel , that Fred mentioned. I was playing in a club in Traverse City, Mich. and he had a 45rpm record on the juke box. "there's a Small Hotel" on one side and "St.Louis Blues" on the other side.
I had been playing my Pre-War used Gibson 6 pedal Electra-Harp since 1948, so was quite impressed with his modern chord style playing, that I liked.
It would seem that both he and I played and learned from Alvino Rey arrangements.
He played "St.Louis Blues "on the Godfrey show, a very exciting arrangement in thos days.
I usse to play it too in the clubs and it always went over very good.

I also played "Idaho","On the Alamo","Hindustan","Liebestrum","My Buddy","A Drowsy old Riff", "Tiger Rag", and so many more.
I am sure he too must have played every one of them and very well .
He was another one of our Innovators in the early days. You can be proud of

My Website..... [URL=[/url]]

[This message was edited by Al Marcus on 24 November 2006 at 05:33 PM.]

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