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If Dicky Overbey would.....

Posted: 11 Oct 2006 10:25 am
by Andy Jones
If Mr.Overbey would only make some instructional material,I would be in Steel Guitar Heaven!I've been listening to Amber Digby and Justin Trevino CD's and I'm amazed at the licks,fills,and runs this psg master plays.I've figured out several of these licks,but this man is just overwelming!Maybe one day this could be a reality.Dicky is really off the chain!
Andy,trying and trying

Posted: 11 Oct 2006 1:54 pm
by Billy Woo
Count me in on this, I know Dickey Overbey has had some health issues as of late but if you're reading this Dickey or anyone that knows you, please share your style with your fans out here..

Billy Woo
aka Bronco Billy

Posted: 12 Oct 2006 6:49 pm
by Danny Sherbon
I had the pleasure of hearing Dicky in Tulsa. I would love to learn even just a little of what that man played!!

Posted: 12 Oct 2006 8:36 pm
by Ricky Davis
You can't teach "heart and soul" or "passion" or "emotion"> as that is the difference in the way I hear Dicky Play. I can play all the licks he plays; but I can NOT place them in the song with the passion and delivery to emotion; that he does> it will be another 50 years before I master that.

Posted: 12 Oct 2006 8:48 pm
by Richard Bass
I agree with Ricky 100%.

Posted: 12 Oct 2006 10:12 pm
by Jim Walker
Great point Ricky. I have been listening to all the same stuff latly. Amber, Flores, Trevino, Hooker... Dicky just amazes me. I can only hope to play steel with half of that passion someday.

Posted: 13 Oct 2006 5:04 am
by Charlie Moore
Very well said Ricky....Charlie...

Posted: 13 Oct 2006 5:50 am
by Wade Branch
Ricky is absolutlely right about Dicky.Ive been following him for a couple of years now.I go watch him ( Actually study him) and Jake Hooker every time I get the chance,the first thing I remember thinking about him was how passionate and soulful and just super creative his playing is.He's a game changer,he's the kind of player that you know it's him by just listening.The first song I ever heard him do was Johnny Bush's version of "He dont deserve you anymore" and is still in my top 5 list.

If any of you guys want to hear some samples of Dickeys playing,Ive got a file on my computer of some of his stuff on a MP3 format that I could e mail you.

<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Wade Branch on 13 October 2006 at 12:36 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 13 Oct 2006 3:29 pm
by Dave Diehl
You're right Ricky. He has a similar touch for the instrument as Jimmy Day did. I saw him play in St. Louis a two years ago. I don't believe anyone spoke a word while he was playing... everyone was so content on enjoying the moment and listening to so much soul in the music. Those CD's referenced in this chain are absolutely some of the best I've heard lately.

Posted: 13 Oct 2006 6:37 pm
by Savell
I think this may be a nice sample of that passion Ricky is talking about. I found it over on their web page.

Put It Off Until Tomorrow

Jake Hooker and The Outsiders with Amber Digby

Posted: 13 Oct 2006 8:31 pm
by David L. Donald
Yeah 2 years ago in st L. was mesmerizing.
And the heavy hitters in the auduence
sitting and standing raptly was quite impressive.

Dicky is coming from a unique place,
and the young people in his circle are quite impresive also.
As well as really nice people.

Posted: 13 Oct 2006 9:08 pm
by Jim Walker
I have been trying to wear out the two Amber Digby CD's that I own. It's just impossible. No matter how many times I play them, they keep sounding great. Amber and Dicky sound like home to me. I'm moving to Texas and that's All I got to say about That!

Posted: 13 Oct 2006 9:49 pm
by erik
fine player.


Posted: 15 Oct 2006 3:12 pm
by Rick Campbell
I agree with everything anybody says good about Dicky...but, I've never heard anything bad. Playing the licks is one thing but knowing when to use them is another. I've never met Dicky, nor have I heard him play live, but I get the impression that he seldom plays anything the same way twice. Maybe I'm wrong? It doesn't really matter but he my favorite country player.

Emmons Lashley Legrande D-10 8/4,Nashville 400, Profex II, Bunches of fiddles, guitars, etc....

Posted: 15 Oct 2006 3:42 pm
by L campbell
I watched and listened to Dicky in Fort Worth a few weeks ago with Jake Hooker. Those four guys can really lay it down, and as always, Dicky owned that stage.

Posted: 21 Oct 2006 1:43 pm
by Bill Maynard
What kind of equipment does Dicky Overbey use? PSG? Amp? effects?

He is the most soulful PSG player today as far as I can tell and I have heard alot of them.

Bill Maynard
Green Bay, WI

Posted: 21 Oct 2006 5:27 pm
by autry andress
Emmons 66 P/P (Rosewood) RV-3 Old Peavey LTD. Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 10:07 am
by Nick Reed
Image <font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Nick Reed on 22 October 2006 at 07:22 PM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 10:31 am
by Wayne Morgan
Ricky, You said it, you can't develope someone elses heart and soal, thats why we call them masters, and Dicky is certainly a master of steel.

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 11:22 am
by Bill Maynard
Does anyone know his copedent on the E-9th?

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 5:13 pm
by Danny Letz
Autry, don't know the year model of ole Rosie, but that is the setup he's played every time I've seen him.

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 5:36 pm
by ebb