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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 9:03 am    
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We are very close to being finished in the recording studio in Branson Missouri. We started at 9 in the morning and I didn't get home until 3:00AM this morning. We have been 2 weeks working on this CD in the studio. Actual, work started in October of last year. I bet Gary Atkinson didn't get back to Conway, Arkansas until daylight. When I layed down in bed this morning, I couldn't go to sleep for hearing the bass guitar and drums LOUD in my head. So, it was a sleepless night for me. John Daugherty, your song, "Between The Roses", came out great. I never saw a guy quite like Terry Bethel. What I mean is, everything has to be totally perfect in Terry Bethel's musical world. Terry is the musical director of this CD. After running a mix on a song 30 times, I would think it has to be a take this time. Well, no, we might run mixes another 20 or 30 times. Terry even brought the drummer back in to help with the mixes yesterday. Terry was in charge of that department, so I let him have at it. I know Gary Atkinsion didn't think his singing could ever measure up to the greatness of Bobby Flores or Jake Hooker. All of us involved think Gary's singing is there! You know the steel guitar, the fiddle, and the singing is "RIGHT" when the hair on the back of your neck stands up.
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Ray Minich


Bradford, Pa. Frozen Tundra
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 11:16 am    
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when the hair on the back of your neck stands up.

That's what it's all about...
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John Daugherty

Rolla, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 1:46 pm    
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Not to mention "goose bumps on your arms,so big,you can knock them off with a broom handle".
Thanks for the update, Keith.
I'm looking forward to hearing this album.


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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 5:02 pm    
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I went to Terry Bethel's house today and he was "shell shocked" from getting home after 3:00 in the morning, also. Terry told me when he entered his house he thought he heard a CD player going. Looked all over his house, could hear it playing, but could not find it. Finally realized the CD playing was just in his head, because he was so tired. Terry said he listened to the CD again today and it raised the hair on his arms. People are not hearing the music they want to hear on the radio. There is a growing cult following for the music put out by people like Bobby Flores and Jake Hooker. If you have never heard of Bobby Flores, or Jake Hooker, you need to buy their CD's, if you love E9th steel guitar.
Terry Bethel and I may have created a cult monster in this Gary Atkinson CD. If you like what Bobby Flores and Jake Hooker is doing, you will love this CD we did for Gary Atkinson. It is so good it will bring tears to your eyes.
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Dan Sliter


Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 5:20 pm    
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I am so glad for you and Gary.I have always known Gary was a good singer.ANd with the boys he had at the helm on the CD i am sure it is somthing to be heard.
I hope to see you in Hot Spring this Wenesday.
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Dale Dorsey

Granger, Indiana, USA
Post  Posted 1 Mar 2006 7:08 pm    
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Well, you sold me. Where do I get one?
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2006 10:02 am    
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Thanks Dan. Yes, I am going to try and make Hot Springs, to see my friends John Hughey and Herby Wallace. I think Gary is driving over from Conway, Arkansas, maybe they will let him sing. Music today takes more forms than ever before, and each form of music has it's subdivions. Country Music is a form of music that is divided into many areas. The 4/4 shuffle, with fiddle and E9th steel guitar is only a small part of Country Music. Just as Bluegrass is a sub-culture of today's music, so is the true 4/4 shuffle as done by Ray Price, Johnny Bush,Bobby Flores, Jake Hooker, and Gary Atkinsion. It just so happens that this type of music features E9th steel guitar out front. I suppose that is why so many of us love that type of music.

[This message was edited by Keith Hilton on 02 March 2006 at 10:03 AM.]

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Jack Musgrave


Springfield, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 2 Mar 2006 3:06 pm    
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I got to hear the finished product today at Keith's house. you can feel the passion that was put in on making this project, and you can see the passion in Keith for this project. I feel fortunate that I was the first one outside of the main loop to hear the finished mix. thanks Keith, I enjoyed the time spent with you and Beverly today,and I have got to make some time to get down and see Terry also. as I grow older, I realize more and more that the fellowship is the real prize in life.
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 3 Mar 2006 8:16 am    
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I regret to report that we are going to be delayed in finishing the CD, probably until after the 15th of March. Gary, Terry, and I did not like the volume levels on the up-right bass and the Tic-Tac guitar. We also wanted to raise the frequency of the bass, because the left hand of the piano was in that frequency. Changing the two bass instruments may change the frequency we want on one intro I did on steel. It is pretty thick right now, so we will have to see what effect raising the volume and frequency of the basses has. I suppose we were all so tired after mixing until 3:00 in the morning our ears played tricks on us, or the engineer was so tired he didn't push the right buttons. We won't release this CD until we think it is perfect. It is close but not there yet.
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Terry Bethel

Hollister, Missouri (deceased)
Post  Posted 4 Mar 2006 3:13 pm    
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I don't know how tired you were, but let me tell you something. When I got home, I walked in and I swore there was a CD player going someplace in the house. I had lost power while I was gone(the security light was on, it always does that when I lose power), and I thought, I know I left the CD player off but maybe the power failure turned it back on.
NO!!!!!!! It was the CD we were mixing at the studio, the songs were still running through my head just like we were sitting in front of the consol. I didn't get much sleep as I couldn't shut the d#^& thing off.

When we get back in the studio on the 15th, we will wrap this project up and then maybe I can get some sleep. The tunes are still just ramblin around in there.

See you the 15th,
Terry Bethel
Mel Tillis (again) The third time is a charm!!!!!!!! Right???????
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James Cann

Phoenix, AZ
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2006 4:46 pm    
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Interesting thread, which sparks this:

How much recording facility/activity is going on in Branson: studios, production, vocal/instrumental talent, etc., etc.?

Is it an alternative to Nashville yet?
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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 5 Mar 2006 9:32 pm    
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James there is a lot of recording going on in Branson, and a bunch of CD production. I lost count of the live music shows, probably 50 during the summer. Seems like I read there were 8 million visitors each year now. There is a lot of CD's sold at the many music shows. Branson is full of great players and singers. Many of the older Country Music players and singers have moved to Branson from Nashville because there is work. I did my time playing the clubs and shows in Branson and have more interesting things going on now. I am scheduled back in the studio for more mixing at 9:00 in the morning. I have been doing a lot of listening to the bass and drums on Ray Price recordings and Bobby Flores recordings. I have really been surprised at the differences I hear in the bass and drums between Price and Flores. On the original Price recordings the steel is much further in the background than on the Flores recordings. Flores stacks the fiddle parts more than Price, and the fiddle is stronger in volume. I am not trying to copy either Price or Flores bass and drums. I am wanting a even stronger bass sound, where the up-right bass and tic tac creat a "PLUNK" type tone. I don't know if that describes it or not. I want the bass to sound alike the "PLUNK" sound when a big rock is dropped in a deep hole of water. We are probably going to have to up the frequency of the bass, and put a slight delay on the tic tac. I was really surprised that Price's bass was much louder than the Flores CD bass. I don't know if a 4/4 shuffle could get away with the bass volume Price used on those early recordings. Seems to me the bass is very loud, even louder than the steel on a lot of stuff. Anyway we have always loved it. Now we are trying to examine it very closely.
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Rene Brosseau

Chatham,Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 17 May 2006 3:19 pm    
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HELLO, MY NAME IS Rene Brosseau from Ontario, Canada. Can you help me with some info about work in Branson. I got an email today from a man named Neil Massey, he saw some info on me & wants to see & hear what I have to offer. Is this type of thing legitimate ? I would like to work there but, just want to be cautious…Thanks, Rene

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Keith Hilton


248 Laurel Road Ozark, Missouri 65721
Post  Posted 17 May 2006 7:34 pm    
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Rene, I would be extremely careful. There are many great steel players in Branson looking for work. Why isn't this guy calling some of them? If you let me know some more about this guy, I can find out about him. What show does he have? Is he just trying to start a Show? I lived in Branson 22 years, and grew up near Branson. I remember before there was any shows in Branson. My opinion is Branson has more than it's share of CON artists---just my opinion. The name does not ring any bells, I don't know who he is. I can find out everything about him pretty quick. Let me know what show he represents? Branson is kind of like the Gold Rush of 1849. A lot of people went to the Gold Rush, and a lot of people came home broke and discouraged.

[This message was edited by Keith Hilton on 17 May 2006 at 08:36 PM.]

[This message was edited by Keith Hilton on 17 May 2006 at 08:43 PM.]

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BIAB Styles
Ray Price Shuffles for

by Jim Baron