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Author Topic:  Toby Keith's Steeler (Josh)
Tommy R. Butler

Nashville, Tennessee
Post  Posted 14 Mar 2006 12:38 pm    
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I had the pleasure of meeting Toby's Steeler over the weekend. Toby, Joe Nichols, & One of Toby's newly signed artist...the good look'n Rebecca Lynn Howard came to Savannah. I wasn't sure that I was gonna get to hook up with Josh becasue I had a death in the family and was on the way home from a funeral Sunday when a deer ran out in front of me on I-95 about 130 miles from Savannah. Well I hit him @ 85 mph an needless to say I was stranded. Finally made it home in a very bad mood and to my delight Josh had emailed me. He said I had two tickets at the will call window. So I got ready , grabbed the wife and we went to meet Josh. Our seats had to be the best in the house. Center stage right out front of house enough to hear a great mix. Josh came out and we hung out for a while before he had to go to WORK !!!! And boy did he work. It was such a great end to a day that was going very badly. What an awesome steeler community we have here. Josh sure made my day. If yall get a chance check out ........"JOSH BERTRAND"........ He steelez fer Toby and he'z the man. I really like the sound he got from the TeleRatt. I guess i'm partial when it comes to that particular one. I remember it spent some time and a few sessions with me.
Josh, The pleasure was all mine buddy.

Hey Terry Crisp if you read this that was me givin' you the hollar and the thumbs up. Gotta high 5 a fellow Derby owner ya know. You sure made Joe Nichols sound good !!!!Smile
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