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Author Topic:  Lloyd Green in "Walk The Line"
scott c anderson


grosse ile, mich USA
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2006 11:36 am    
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Hey all...

Just sat down yesterday to watch my newly acquired DVD of "Walk The Line".... (of course I DID also see it on the big screen at the theatre opening weekend!!) But gotta tell ya I was quite pleasantly surprised when I watched the "musicians" credits at the end of the movie.

Right there, in plain English was the name "LLOYD GREEN".... among a few other prominent it was time for me to put on the 'thinking cap'....

Since Cash hardly ever used a steel guitar in his songs, i had to think back, and now that I recall it, there WAS one scene that featured June Carter (Reese Witherspoon) on stage, and I DID hear that "familiar sound" of a steel for just a millisecond.

Guess that was probably Lloyd's contribution to a (now) Oscar Winning movie!!! Very Cool!!

Just can't recall any previous discussion of this in the recent past, hope I haven't posted an already discussed 'duplicate' post..... I was just intrigued to see Lloyd's name in the credits...

Guess maybe it's time to call my brother Red Kilby, and get the inside scoop.....

Gotta tell ya tho, in closing....."Walk The Line" was indeed an absolutely stellar portrayal of Mr. Cash, and the performances by Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon are to be commended. Their rendition of "It Ain't Me Babe" brought a lump to my was always my favorite Johnny and June song.....

Anybody else privy to any information here regarding Lloyd's input in this movie... as always, please share it with would be appreciated.

Thanks, Scott
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Walter Stettner

Vienna, Austria
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2006 12:12 pm    
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The new recordings made for the album feature steel guitar on one track only - "Jukebox Blues" sung by Reese Witherspoon, that one is played by Lloyd! It is a studio recording, that means Lloyd doesn't appear in the scene of the movie where "Jukebox Blues" is played.

Kind Regards, Walter

[This message was edited by Walter Stettner on 07 March 2006 at 12:12 PM.]

[This message was edited by Walter Stettner on 07 March 2006 at 12:14 PM.]

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 7 Mar 2006 2:28 pm    
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I spent the month of Feb on the road with Tommy Cash. Tommy nailed it when he said Resse Witherspoon would get the Oscar. He said she played it so well she had him thinking she was June. In other comments about the movie, he said they portrayed his father as being mean and he said it wasn't really that way and that Johnny and his father burried the hatchet many years ago and that his father did a lot of traveling with Johnny and June including a trip to the Holy Land.

Altough Tommy didn't outright say it, I got the impression that he thought they should have used Johnny Cash sound tracks and let Joaquin lip sync.

On the tour I got to do a lot of steel on the Johnny Cash songs.
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Ryan Giese


Spokane, Washington, USA
Post  Posted 12 Mar 2006 9:25 pm    
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My mom bought the movie for me yesterday, and I am a little embarrasses to say I have watched it three times since then. Then today, my dad bought me the soundtrack. That had to have been the best movie ever... Atleast that I have seen.
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