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Steelers Who Are Firefighters

Posted: 2 Jan 2006 10:24 am
by Paul King
Here in Texas and in Oklahoma we are having problems with wildfires. I hope and pray all of our steel brothers who are fireman will be safe and no harm come their way. My hat is off to you guys for the courage you have for such a dangerous job. I just wonder how many steel players here on the forum are fireman?

Posted: 2 Jan 2006 10:32 am
by Gene Jones

Posted: 2 Jan 2006 11:13 am
by Roy Ayres
But he still plays some hot steel.

Edited to say: Gene that is an impressive display of your awards and Fire Department memoribilia.

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Browse my Photo Album and be sure to sign my Guest Book.

<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Roy Ayres on 02 January 2006 at 11:16 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 2 Jan 2006 12:19 pm
by Andy Sandoval
I retired from the Bakersfield City Fire Dept. last March after 25 yrs. I also worked for the kern County Fire Dept. for two years prior to workin for Bakersfield City and before kern County I worked out at Edwards Air Force Base for 6 years as a Federal Fire Firefighter. I figured over 30 years in the Fire service was long enough.

Posted: 2 Jan 2006 4:24 pm
by Jay Yuskaitis
Retired in 1998 after 35 years.


Posted: 2 Jan 2006 6:44 pm
by Luke Morell
I've been a firefighter since Nov.1988, and first responder in the EMS since 1994.
Congradulations,Gene Andy,and Jay on retirement from the fire dept. I know you seen alot more action in a big city than we do in these small towns.

Posted: 2 Jan 2006 7:22 pm
by Joey Gaskins
I retired as Chief of our town back in 1999 but remained a active member where I still keep up my training hours. This year gives me 30 years in Fire and Rescue.

Posted: 2 Jan 2006 9:38 pm
by Al Michalczak
Retired in 2001 with 33 yrs. service from San Antonio F.D. I was the best ( and only ) steeler in the dept. What a great and fun way to make a living.

Posted: 3 Jan 2006 6:32 am
by Ronnie Green
I'm like you Jody. I too was Chief for 20 years and am now an active volunteer. The state demands more training and paperwork, but seems to forget you are a volunteer. I'm getting VERY tired of the new laws and regs. They are going to run every fire and EMS volunteers off if they don't be careful.

Posted: 3 Jan 2006 6:44 am
by Mark Metdker
Currently a Captain in northern Dallas County. Been in the fire businees for 25 years.

Zum U-12 w/True Tone pickup thru a Nashville 112

Strats thru a VHT Super 30

Band Pics

Posted: 3 Jan 2006 7:32 am
by Bill Beall
Hi Paul,
Haven't heard from you in a while. I was a volunteer fireman for several years many years ago. It runs in my family however. My dad was captain of the crash rescue squad at Ellington AFB in Houston for many years.

Posted: 3 Jan 2006 12:19 pm
by David Wren
Spent 12 years as a wild land firefighter for the US Forest Service, on a "Hot Shot" hand crew (and now do IT stuff). My hat's off to anyone who will go in harm's way (fire, police, military) for the safety of the general public. If they are also a steeler, better yet!

Dave Wren
'95Carter S12-E9/B6,7X7; Session500; Hilton Pedal

Posted: 3 Jan 2006 3:25 pm
by Andy Jones
I retired from Meridian,MS Fire Department as s Battalion Chief after 24 years in 2002.I am currently a fireman at Choctaw Fire Department on the Pearl River Choctaw Indian reservation in Choctaw,MS.Nearly 28 Years on the job and have loved 99% of it.I wished I had taken up the steel when I started in the fire service.Just look at all the practicing time I missed!

Posted: 3 Jan 2006 8:51 pm
Retired Sept. 16 after 31 years. Just steelin' now.

Posted: 4 Jan 2006 4:48 am
by Paul King
Looks like we have many fireman here on the foreman. You guys are really a blessing.

Posted: 4 Jan 2006 5:39 am
by Doyle Mitchell
Twenty five years of fire and rescue and still fighting fire daily, thousands of acres have already burned in the surrounding counties, life loss at 3, and the fires continue daily with no end in sight.

Posted: 4 Jan 2006 6:11 am
by Mark Metdker
Yes Doyle, we desperately need rain.

Posted: 4 Jan 2006 7:23 am
by R. D. Miller
I've been (and still am) a volunteer firefighter for 25 years. It's really dry and dangerous around here!

Posted: 4 Jan 2006 5:12 pm
by John Coffman
Great Thread Paul. Been a while since we have communicated. Lawton to is very dry, Jim Harper had a lot of fire over by him but he's ok. I've been volunteer firefighter for over 10 year. My brother Fred is Assist Chief close to Someriville Al. Thanks for keeping us all safe. Hat off guys

Thomas SD10 3/4 and D10 8/5 Beginner

Posted: 4 Jan 2006 6:09 pm
by John Maggard
I've been a novice steeler for an extended period of time (but avid reader here - thanks to all who make this site what it is) and volunteer FF(Captain)/EMT(Asst.Chief)for 15 years...we have a very strange split-department arrangement - gotta love politics. My hat is WAY off to you guys that do the wildfire duty out there - stay safe.


Posted: 4 Jan 2006 10:06 pm
by David Coplin
My hat is off to all of you steeler fire fighters. David Wren a special salute to you and your crews. I am a contract pilot for the US Forest Service up here in Oregon.
I fly fire recon and air attack. You guys on the ground do all the work. We just try to keep you busy. lol

Posted: 5 Jan 2006 4:59 am
by Paul King
I remember a preacher told me several years ago if he could go through life again he would be a fireman. One reason was they get to sleep through the night and get paid if nothing is happening. Thay may be true to a point but those men do not sit around and twiddle their thumbs when not fighting fires. Here locally, they go from building to building checking things out and setting up escape plans in case there was a fire. They also go to the schools telling our children the importance of fire safety. They may sleep at night when they are not busy but their lives are in danger when they are fighting fires. I just do not think I would want to be in their position. You guys are highly respected in my book.

Posted: 5 Jan 2006 11:31 am
by Tom Conroy
How about a firefighter who's a wannabe steeler? Been a volunteer in suburban Philadelphia (NJ) for 33 years. I've been Chief for the last 13 and looking to pass the trumpet on. But volleys are getting hard to come by these days. I'm also a retired cop after 28 years.

Brand new to the forum and enjoying my "lurking" so far.


Posted: 5 Jan 2006 8:03 pm
by David Coplin
Welcome to the Forum Tom. Lurk and learn. A great place to hang out. In some ways we are all wan-a-be's. I personally want to be a lot better player. Thanks for your public service as a policeman and fireman.


Posted: 5 Jan 2006 11:05 pm
by Tom Conroy
Thanks for the welcome, David. I logged a fair share of hours hanging out of our Jet Ranger, camera in hand. Whether fixed or rotary, you guys do a great job. Keep 'em safe down below.