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Author Topic:  The 39th CMA and Steel guitar
Marlin Smoot

Post  Posted 16 Nov 2005 6:43 am    
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It was an interesting show last night. It seems the awards were split between traditional country acts and the pop type acts where in the past, it seemed like pop country was getting the lions share.

Most of the acts were dressed down a tad from the rock-n-roll stuff we've seen in the past making the one's who can't give up their rock-n-roll attitude seem rather stupid looking. Even rockers Bon Jovi had a steel player in their band last night, I couldn't hear him in the mix but hey, it's a good start.

It also seems like the ladies of country music are leading the way bringing back the traditional country music sounds including Lee Ann Womack, Sara Evens and of course Martina Mcbride. Hopefully, Nashville music makers will embrace traditional country again and sign "hat acts" again to their labels.

I don't know if Garth Brooks has the force of power as he once did to change the landscape of country music to more of a rock base as he did in the early 90's but if he does, a new traditional country CD would get him a warm welcome from many people. It may take something or someone like nim to bring it back around full circle. it's time.

I hope the swing back into traditional country music will not only continue but help all steel players on the local and national level to keep us working and get younger people to stay interested in the steel guitar.

One last thing, (If Nashville is listening)we need traditional country music that people can dance to. The pop country kept people at home and help close up the honky tonks.

It may even help the country sales slump that it's in. What Nashville has been trying over the past several years hasn't really helped and country music is on more radio stations around the country than any other format...go figure. Just because you put a hat on someone, it dosen't make them country any more than if you put your boots in the won't make them biscuits.

This of course is just my 2 cents and my comments are not meant to upset anyone but rather create a discussion on how to move forward in keeping our interest in country music and steel guitar alive and growing.
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