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Author Topic:  Local Steel Hero--Chubby Howard
Tony Rankin

Land O’ Lakes, FL
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2005 12:06 pm    
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Lee Gillespie’s great post about local steelers prompted me to write this about Chubby Howard. Many people know, or know of Chubby Howard through his career as a steel player. Chubby has had the distinction of having recorded an album with Shot Jackson. He has played on the road with Boxcar Willie, and he has served as staff steeler at Renfro Valley in Kentucky. Chubby is also in his eighth year of sponsoring an annual steel guitar show, here in southwest Ohio.

What you may not know is what a true ambassador Chubby Howard is for the steel guitar. For nearly as long as I can remember, (and I am over 50 years old) Chubby has been a country music radio personality in the Miami Valley area of Ohio. Chubby has used his disc jockey status to promote the steel guitar, and the players of steel guitar, in a big way.

When I was growing up, I would listen intently to the radio, as Chubby would introduce a song. Chubby would say something like, “Folks the song you are about to hear features the great Lloyd Green on the steel guitar.” The neat thing is that now, nearly forty years later, you can still hear Chubby introducing songs over the radio the same way. How many disc jockeys can you hear playing John Hughey or Dicky Overby instrumentals in your listening area? In the Miami Valley, we can, because of Chubby Howard.

I am sure that many people can tell you much more about Chubby than I can tell you. However, I can say for sure that Chubby, nearly forty years ago, made a big impression on a kid that loved “that sound” and he has played a huge role in my involvement with playing steel guitar. Chubby is definitely one of my local heroes.

Tony Rankin

[This message was edited by Tony Rankin on 24 September 2005 at 06:12 AM.]

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Lee Gillespie

Cheyenne, Wy. USA
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2005 3:10 pm    
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Yes Tony.. Chubby Howard was a Tacoma, Wa. dj when he lived in Tacoma, and he did the same thing on his radio show. Thats why I listed his name in my topic as Chubby has always brought the steel guitar and artist forward on his shows, where as in those days it was unheard of dj's nameing the artist on the record other then the star.
I think thats why Chubby, Larry DeRocher, and myself formed up the first Steel Guitar Society in the U.S. In those days steel guitar players were very secretive about their tunings and licks. We 3 felt if I'll show you what I know then you show me what You know we could maybe break this stigma.
This was the basic concept with the Steel Guitar society.. and we attempted to incourage steel newbys to come and learn from the members in the society. If I remember we elected Chubby our first president.
Is Chubby a member of the Steel Guitar Forum??? If you are Chubby give ole Lee a shout...LEE
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Francis Chamberlain


Franklin, KY, USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 23 Sep 2005 5:31 pm    
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I agree with you Tony. I don't believe you will find very many people that have any more love for the steel guitar than Chubby.
I have known him for many years. He loves to play steel and he loves to talk steel. He is also a nice guy.
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Tony Rankin

Land O’ Lakes, FL
Post  Posted 24 Sep 2005 7:02 am    
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Chubby is a member of the forum and posted yesterday under Events & Announcements. You can access his email address there.


Sorry Lee, that should have been "Our Extended Family" and not "Events & Announcements".

[This message was edited by Tony Rankin on 25 September 2005 at 07:05 AM.]

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