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John Ummel

Arlington, WA.
Post  Posted 23 Aug 2005 3:58 pm    
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Saw this young fellow from Russia in a video with his band "Bering Strait". Real tasteful pedal and lap steel and dobro. I know they recorded one CD in Nashville and did concert tour. Has anyone met him or seen him play live. Any idea what he's doing now?
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Steve Howard


High Ridge, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2005 3:27 am    
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I was a big fan of them when they first released their first album. However, are you talking about Ilya Toshinsky (their guitar player/banjo player) or Alexander Ovstrosky (steel player). I assume the ladder.

I am stumped at what he is up to now. I heard that him and Ilya both are no longer with the band (released second album in June) but their website still shows them being with the band. I know that if they are no longer with them, than the band doesn't hav much left because they were all the talent.

I really enjoyed some of the stuff on the first album but seemed to be a little "slick" and overproduced (and I usually am not the kind of guy that whines about that stuff). I don't think the second album has much to offer.
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John Ummel

Arlington, WA.
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2005 6:10 am    
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Thanks Steve,
Yea, I bought their first CD after seeing the video for the title cut, on which Alex was quite impressive. Its tough to get me to buy a CD if it doesn't have a steel guitar! But when I saw this band from Russia WITH a pedal steel I had to buy it. I was just wondering if anyone knew this guy personally, as far as how he got interested in steel and so on. Thanks for the reply.
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