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Author Topic:  For you other studio guys...your process?
Gerald Menke


Stormville NY, USA
Post  Posted 22 Aug 2005 7:43 am    
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I have been getting more and more session work lately, and it's finally not playing into somebody's laptop, these are real sessions, with money, tuned rooms, top of the line gear, good engineers. Yesterday I played on 10 songs in about 5 hours, and, as usual, heard virtually none of what I did. You guys in Nashville, LA or here in New York, what is your process like, i.e. do you ask to hear the whole track back afterwards to evaluate, or usually do what I am usually asked to do, namely blast through the songs, only redoing something if there was prehistoric-sized clam that even a harmonica player could hear?

I pose this question only to people who are working in professional studios where the pressure is on, not bedroom or home studio type arrangements, which tend to be a bit more laid back.

I really look forward to hearing your responses, thanks for reading my post!
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Mark van Allen

Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Post  Posted 22 Aug 2005 8:36 am    
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Gerald, almost every session I ever do includes a close review/playback of the tracks, occasionally the producer or engineer will hear something they want to fix, but often it's left up to me. There is some consideration for the time/budget when thinking of redoing something. (And people certainly have varying perceptions of a "good track"!) It used to be that people were looking for a nearly perfected track, with maybe several solos to choose from. Now with the ubiquity of software-based editing, they usually just want three- five complete passes they will edit from, and it's almost easier to leave 'em happy.

I do hope they edit in a steel-realistic way at least. If I know there's going to be a lot of editing I'll often play in sections to make it easier, leaving some holes here and there so editing will go smoother, and more musically.

When I produce tracks myself, steel or anything else, I really try to make sure I have all the elements for a finished track before the session's over.

If they just rushed you through tracking, without really listening down, either they're not really concerned about details, or you really wowed 'em!

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