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Collin Raye's Steeler?

Posted: 21 Jun 2005 9:48 am
by Gerald Williamson
Collin Raye is playing a festival nearby on Jul 9th. Does anyone know if he is carrying a steeler or not?

Posted: 22 Jun 2005 7:33 pm
by Les Pierce
He'll be here in DeQueen for the "Collinfest 2005" concert, Friday. I'll let you know, but I wouldn't count on it. He has really trimmed down the band, and I hear this year, there will be even more changes.

It's too bad, because the steel was such a big part of the first few albums, and for a while, his road band covered the recordings to the tee.

Be looking for a report Saturday of the show.


Dekley S-10

Posted: 23 Jun 2005 3:46 am
by Larry Behm
For years my friend Van Coffey played with CR. Van was also a great guitar player and could sing better than CR, could have been a major star if he wanted to be.

Larry Behm

Posted: 23 Jun 2005 7:20 pm
by Les Pierce
You're right Larry. Things haven't been the same since Van left the band. I saw them at Fiesta Texas in San Antonio, right when the "Extremes" CD was coming out. What a band! That was the best lineup of all. What is Van doing these days?

I expect that Sammy Wray will be the only one of that bunch left, this time. I hear that Gene Lasage is out of the band, and the lead guy, (John?), who was with him last year, went back to Trisha Yearwood's band.

I am going to hope for the best. Clay Walker will be opening, maybe he will have a steel with him.

Too many changes every where I look. I guess nothing stays the same.


Dekley S-10

Posted: 23 Jun 2005 7:39 pm
by Les Pierce
Hey, Larry, never mind. I found Van on the web:

Sounds like that's going to be a very good CD!


Dekley S-10

Posted: 24 Jun 2005 8:54 pm
by Les Pierce
Well, no steeler for Collin. The drummer and the utility guy were still there from last time, the other two were new guys. Collin is a super singer, and entertainer, in my opinion. Unfortunatly, the sound system was awful. (This takes place in the middle of a football stadium, so I understand it is hard to get a good sound, but this year was particularly bad). Collin went about his business like the true professional he is. I sure missed the steel parts, though.

Clay Walker...What's up with this guy? He talked more than he sang. Did very few of his hits, and a lot of old rock. (China Grove, Play That Funky Music, etc.) He did have a steel and fiddle which I think I heard on two or three songs. What I heard of them, was very good.

I don't get it. All of the bands I have heard in the last couple of years have not been very tight at all. Is that not the "thing" anymore? Asleep at the wheel has been the best of the bunch, by far.


Dekley S-10

Posted: 25 Jun 2005 9:28 am
by Gerald Williamson
Thanks for your replies, Les. I really appreciate it.