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Jason Weaver

Topeka, Kansas
Post  Posted 9 Jun 2005 8:26 pm    
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I was watching an episode of CSI and a song came on at the end that caught my ear. It had some awesome steel work that was very spacey w/ some effects on it. I thought it was an avante garde steel song, but then lyrics came in. I was on my laptop when the lyrics came, so I started typing them in as I heard them.

CSI put me in the mood to do some investigating, so I Googled the lyrics. I came up with nothing, but eventually found a website that lists every song ever played on CSI. I went to the cable guide and found the name of the episode, and then found it in the list for season three.

I FINALLY found it to be a song called Darkest Dreaming by David Sylvian (I believe he was in Japan), and it is off his CD called Dead Bees on a Cake. One site I found had a good listing of credits. Marc Ribot and Bill Frisell (two favs of mine) played guitar, and MR is listed with slide guitar credits, but this was definately steel. I thought it might be Greg Leisz because of Frisell, but then I found that the CD is from 1999. I am not sure if this would predate Good Dog or not.

Anyway, despite finding the song I am still nameless on the steel player. Does anyone have any leads?

If you want to check out the track go to:

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Michael Winslow


San Francisco, California, USA
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2005 8:41 pm    
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The only info I could find is that Bill Frisell is credited with dobro.
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