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Author Topic:  Your opinions on this band...please..
Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2005 12:02 pm    
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I heard these guys at the Ithaca Festival when I was playing there several days ago... I was very impressed, emailed them, told them a little about myself and they want to hear my steel and electric 12 string guitar with thier band. They have released several CD's .
I am asking my friends here for thier thoughts because I have great respect for EVERYONE here and VALUE you opinions.

I DO NOT like the name, but I DO like the music!.. please give a quick listen. If you would prefer, you can email me with positive or negative opinions. Also I have my email and thier reply if anyone would care to see it.. its quite interesting actually, but I hesitate to post it here...bob
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Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2005 12:24 pm    
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fet·ish also fet·ich P Pronunciation Key (ftsh, ftsh)
An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices.

An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence: made a fetish of punctuality.

Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.

An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.

which definition you got a problem with Bob? My guess is #3.. although #1 is iffy for Christians

I like what I heard musically so far... you'd probably fit right in
what's in a name?

[This message was edited by Dave Van Allen on 07 June 2005 at 01:26 PM.]

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Jeff Lampert


queens, new york city
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2005 12:26 pm    
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Bob, I don't understand what it is you need to know, but since you asked, they are obviously good musicians, singers, and songwriters. The one thing obviously missing from the five or so tunes I heard were solos and fills, and maybe something to electrify the sound a bit, something to make it a little edgier. I heard some of your clips and IMO your playing and style is a perfect complement for them. This is a no-brainer. No question you should take the gig, unless you have some misgivings that you haven't told us about.

[url='s_jazz.htm]Jeff's Jazz[/url]
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2005 12:58 pm    
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Hmmm, guess I'm stuck being the devil's advocate. So, Bob, what do you think you can add to the group? I could only get hear the website "background" song (bad web-site design, couldn't shut that off to hear anything else), but they sound shall I say it..."acoustic"? The group sounds good, original, and smooth (though the rhythm guitar was obviously out of tune on that one number), but do they really want a pedal steel?

I could easily see Greg Leisz in there, very laid back and inobtrusive. But the average steeler doing a long-term gig like you or I? I don't know. It'd be a real challenge to hold back and keep from morphing their KD Lang-type style into something more like Michael Martin Murphy.

But hey...what do I know?
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2005 1:02 pm    
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Thanks Jeff,m thats what I thought too.. They NEED asteel, and an electric... desperately!.. They know it too. I am going down fri to check them out.. and again guys in all honesty, I VALUE your opinions.. you are my peers and your advice is eagerly assimilated by my scattered brain...

DVA,,, As A Christian man the word "fetish" bugs me, but I can accept fetish in the final definition you gave... a music fetish is what we all have.. we DO tend to have an inordinate fixation on our tone, gear, playing, chops, and what others THINK of our playing!! bob
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2005 1:08 pm    
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Donny.. at the show, they were banging out alot of GCD type of up tempo alt country hippie sounding stuff.. I was thinking.. "man I could lay every Buddy Cage lick I ever stole ALL OVER that s**t.. They had an up tempo country/hippie/folk rooty thing going on that really appealed to me.. the vocals were MONSTROUS!!.. They NEED a lead instrument. Two acoustics,bass, drums.. My guitars and steel would be a good match IMHO.. I hope they don't hate me!.. I do have psychotic tendancies you know" bob
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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2005 1:20 pm    
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Their music sounds easy to play. You'd have to be careful not to dominate the sound, though. There's so much laid-back space. It might be hard to resist the temptation to fill it all with hot electric pedal steel.

Bobby Lee - email: - gigs - CDs, Open Hearts
Williams D-12 E9, C6add9, Sierra Olympic S-12 (F Diatonic)
Sierra Laptop S-8 (E6add9), Fender Stringmaster D-8 (E13, C6 or A6)
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Stephen Gambrell


Over there
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2005 1:20 pm    
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You want US to make a decision for you, Bob? Well, they sound like they could use a lead instrument, which you are VERY capable of providing, based on your sound clips posted here. But, given their sound, you must ask yourself, "Are they WORTHY of me, or will I join the band, and once again have my very heart torn out by yet another musical disappointment?"
And be sure to wear your GOOD pants.
Don't worry about the fetish thing, your admission that a catfight in a bar turned you on will cover you on that one.
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Jim Phelps


Mexico City, Mexico
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2005 1:23 pm    
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Bob, you probably won't really know until you try a few tunes with them. (My recent experience with the rockabilly band sure drove home that point). If the music is attractive to you, I say give it a shot. Meet them, set-up a day to play and see what happens.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2005 1:30 pm    
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Stephen.. No I can make the decision for myself.. I thought I made it clear, but perhaps I was lax..
I REALLY VALUE your opinion.. Yes the decision IS mine, but I always ask the guidance and good wishes of my friends and collegues.. And yes,,, Even though I am and long have been a God fearing man, That cat fight 25 years ago WAS strangely stimulating... email me and I'll tell you all about it... By the way Stephen, I moved here in 1991.. I was with one band from 92 to 05... I left a great NJ band in 1991 when I moved here.. I joined THAT band in 1982.. good bands DO NOT tear my heart out.. they fill my heart with joy ..bob

[This message was edited by Bob Carlucci on 07 June 2005 at 02:34 PM.]

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