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Author Topic:  Bob, is this a fake mail or a real mail?
Alexander Zaalberg


Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Post  Posted 4 May 2005 10:06 am    
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Just received the following email.

Must I respond to it or not?




Hello Steel Guitar Forum Member in Amsterdam, The Netherlands! This is Bobby D. Hunter, Security for the SGF.

I am doing website security work for b0b, and the Steel Guitar Forum (, and am charged with the daunting task of blocking "419" Nigerian scammers from accessing the forum. I have already blocked most of the ISPs in Nigeria, and continue to add new ones as members forward scam messages to me, for tracing. You can read about my work in this Security Announcements thread:

I have recently learned that a section of your city is rapidly becoming the new home-base of operations for the worst breed of Nigerian scammers. I am going to be looking up Internet Service Provider (ISP) IP addresses that cover Amsterdam, and probably blocking them from accessing the Steel Guitar Forum. This could affect you, if you use one of the ISP's that become blacklisted.

I want you to know about this in advance. I have the ability to block an ISP while allowing one member, or small group of members to get through the block (by IP addresses). To do this I will need you to send me an email, through your regular ISP, to this email address:

When I get your email I will read the "headers" which show the routing of the email, then I will add your IP address to the "safe list." When we do start blocking the scammers' IP addresses, in Amsterdam, I will notify you again. If you find that you cannot get access to the Steel Guitar Forum after we install the block, please contact me immediately, at this email address, from your own ISP, and I'll try to widen the hole in the blockade. I don't want to cause you any more problems that you probably already have, in dealing with 419 scammers who live in your own city.

I have already done this in South Africa and Great Briton, where Forumites share ISPs with scammers.

So, to get the safe list going, please reply to this email, from your own home ISP, in Amsterdam, telling me your name and any information you care to share about local Nigerian Scam Gangs and the area of Amsterdam where they might be located, and what ISP might provide Internet service to them.

PS: Feel free to check with Bobbe Lee, the owner and administrator of the SGF, concerning my credentials and my authority to do security for him. If you have questions do not hesitate to ask them. If you know of other members in Amsterdam, please tell them about this, and have them contact me as well.

Please RSVP. Thanks in advance!

Sincerely, Bobby D. Hunter
Security for the SGF
Hunting Slimeball Game
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 4 May 2005 11:11 am    
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This is real. We're encountering scammers that are logging in from Amsterdam.

I'm moving the topic to the "Forum Feedback" section of the Forum.

               Bobby Lee
 System Administrator
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