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Author Topic:  Help For Steel Guitar Project Needed!
Walter Stettner

Vienna, Austria
Post  Posted 2 Apr 2005 12:34 am    
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Dear Friends,

Jack Hamlett has asked me to post this on the Forum. He is still working on his comprehensive Steel Guitar project and would need our help in order to find some of the pioneer players and/or their surviving relatives. Jack is extremely dedicated and we all can look forward to the results!

Here is his message:

"For my project at the University of Maryland, I am conducting approximately 60 interviews with pioneer players and colleagues/relatives of deceased players. I would deeply appreciate any help steel players on this Forum can give in regards to helping me track down the following steel players (or colleagues/relatives of these players) for interviewing:

Roy Honeycutt (steel player with Bob Wills)
C. B. White, brother of Bob White, played on Lefty Frizzell's first four hit records
Jimmie Grabowske
Ralph "Lefty" Nason's son

Jack Hamlett
(410) 679-0605
P. O. Box 31
Edgewood, Maryland 21040

Kind Regards, Walter

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