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Author Topic:  Warning - No Lloyd Green Audible!
Walter Stettner

Vienna, Austria
Post  Posted 23 Mar 2005 10:43 am    
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Koch Records has released another CD with material from the Little Darlin' archives - "The Songs Of Jeannie C. Riley".

The CD includes 12 songs, eleven of the songs originally apperd on the Little Darlin' album "Sock Soul" (Little Darlin' SLD 8011) from 1968. This is great country music with Lloyd playing fantastic as usual.

Aubrey Mayhew then sold the tapes to Capitol and they released the album "Songs" (Capitol ST 177). Kelso Herston "doctored" the songs (at least this is mentioned in the liner notes!), added instruments (harmonica, new lead guitar) and background voices - the result is rather embarrassing for us steel lovers - Lloyd's steel has dissapeared, his intros, solos and marvelous background playing is gone and recreated by other instruments.

The CD only contains the altered versions - a very disappointing listening experience. If you thought about buying the CD to add some Lloyd Green/Little Darlin' material to your collection, you are more or less wasting your money!

Fortunately, I have the original "Sock Soul" LP in my collection and will add several sound clips to the website in the near future!

Kind Regards, Walter


[This message was edited by Walter Stettner on 23 March 2005 at 02:20 PM.]

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