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steel player & fiddler

Posted: 20 Mar 2005 12:45 pm
by Ray Montee
Just rec'd a great picture of Jerry Byrd playing his Rick with Harold Bradley (guitar) and others. Jerry was seated and using a metal tri-pod stand like an Oahu or National of olde. WALTER HAYNES was playing fiddle in this particular setting. I tho't he played steel? Oh well, at least he wasn't playing a banj'r.

Posted: 21 Mar 2005 10:36 pm
by Ray Montee
I tho't Walter Haynes participated in the Forum? Are you there Walter?

Posted: 22 Mar 2005 9:13 pm
by Walter Haynes
Ray, Jerry and I played a lot of the Opry shows taped at the Rhyman. I believe the last count I had we did about 180 shows with different stars. On most of them I played pedal steel and Jerry played rhythm guitar because he said they wanted pedals. I told Jerry he must be kidding, I felt like a step child playing steel and Byrd setting close to me playing guitar. But he was the leader of the band and that was his call!!

Walter Haynes

Posted: 22 Mar 2005 9:54 pm
by Ray Montee
Thanks Walter, for your prompt and kind response. I truly appreciate it.