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Author Topic:  Steel on TV
Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 21 Jan 2005 3:14 pm    
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Lately, Minnie Driver has been all over the TV talk show circuit and the Pedal Steel is a part of her band. Although most of the shows I've seen have the steel weak in the mix, it's still good to see. The young people seem to like her music so that's good exposure for the instrument also. Some research credits Ben Peeler on the recording and at least one review lists Eric Heywood as the steeler on one of her tour dates. I can't get a clear view of the label, but it is a red S10 pedal steel and the steeler is a younger guy [compared to a lot of us] with blondish hair. Anybody know for sure who he is?

Also, in last week's airing of "the O.C." the strains of pedal steel were clearly audible but I did not catch the name of the band whose music was featured.
Of course Robert Randolph has been highly visible on TV too.

Here's hoping this exposure will introduce the steel guitar to young folk that may not be familiar with it.
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