This looks like the start of a great program!
I would pay the $60 you ask if these things are included:
1-Audible notes, probably MIDI. You can hear your test-setups. Maybe it can play/import MIDI files, so you can create your own test-midis in another program.
2-Keyboard interaction; e.g. the pedals could be keys 1-8; keys for knees; keys for notes; and speed settings/presets for pedal/knee glissandos. Bar glissandos may not be neccessary.
3-Scale/melody with built-in intelligence: e.g. suggested pockets with different presets, not random seeds. These pockets could come from various existing instruction materials. At the moment you can only see "horizontal" and "vertical" scales or scales scattered all over the fretboard.
4-No beta versions; I am still beta-testing Windows
5-Include Les's and David's suggestions.
6-Variable skins/layouts?
7-Bigger interface allowing you to see a "previous" or "different" mini-copedent at the same time.
8-Re-assignable pedal/knee layouts. You can see your layout in one glance, rather than having to work out where L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 etc is
9-I don't understand the TABLATURE function (yet)
10-Check out the other PSG software available, maybe good features could be combined, with the creator's consent, of course.
Thanks for the great work!
<FONT face="arial" SIZE=3 COLOR="#003388">
Peter den Hartogh</font>
<font face="arial" size=1><B><I>1970 Emmons D10 P/P; 1977 Sho-Bud D10 ProIII Custom;
1975 Fender Artist S10; Remington U12; 1947 Gibson BR4;</I></B></font>
<font face="arial" size=2>
Internationally Accredited 3D Animation Academy</font>