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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2004 7:37 am    
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I am hopeful that several Forumites go to Earnest Cawby's post at:
and see how two "pros" settle a misunderstanding.

Larry Bell and Donny Hinson are two of my favorite posters on this Forum. Larry has developed one of the most informative websites ever made for the PSG. His efforts, relative to the development of the Universal Tuning are absolutely the best I've found. It was mandatory reading for my students when I was teaching. Tremendous site for Newbies, and I highly recommend it.

Donnie Hinson is a vault of PSG history who, although opinionated as most of us are, has provided this Forum with marvelous solutions to problems encountered, and as the old man says, "Is seldom wrong, but when he is, he readily admits it." You won't see too many "admissions" coming from his quarter. They're not necessary.

In Cawby's post, if read carefully, one can see the misunderstanding --it sticks out like a sore thumb-- but only after a second or third reading. Then one has to take notice of how these two professionals come to an agreement. Notice that there was no "sticking the knife in and twisting it", and no "poking a sharp stick in one's eye". Just two caring, mature individuals who quickly, in two posts, resolved this misunderstanding. Man, wouldn't it be great if we could all do that.

After reading Cawby's post, which was a memory jogger for me, I think you can see why these two gentlemen are just that, TWO GENTLEMEN, and both are in a dead heat tie to occupy first place in my admiration file.

Nuff said. Gee, how refreshing. Thanks Gents for this short lesson in life.


The spirit be with you!
If it aint got a steel, it aint real

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DeWitt Scott

St. Louis, Missouri, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2004 8:44 am    
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Talking about using only one microphone to record...If you remember the name "Wade Ray" you will know of his accomplishments. He was a champion fiddle player plus he had several hit vocal recording back in the 1940's, he was a band leader and he always used a steel guitar in his band. I produced an album on him recorded February 21, 1982 here in a local studio in St. Louis county. Fiddle-Wade Ray, Guitar-Bobby Caldwell, Bass-Jimmy Griggs, Drums-Jimmy Queen and Dennis Roussin, Steel Guitar, Russ Wever, Pat Heller and DeWitt Scott. It was put on LP vinyl as that was all there was at that time. The point of all this is, it was recroded using only one mic! I'll use the wording from the LP: "Wade expressed his desire to get back to the basics,of recording. When everone gathered around one microphone and just picked. No room for mistakes, and if one is made, that's tough! Wade and the band did just that. You had no chance to over-dub. The warm togetherness feeling that is created in this albm makes it all worthwhile".

Was I nervous? You bet! Even to the point where I had the engineer go ahead and mic each amp in case Wade's idea didn't work out. As luck would have it, it worked out fine and recorded at a point in time when everyone were using the "if you make a mistake, go ahead on and come back later and over-dub on it". Wade has since passed on but what fond memory's I have of him. I still have several hundred LP's and it looks like I will have them for a long time as we went from LP to to 8 track, to cassette and now to CD's. I think this was a wonderful topic and I hope that I have added some nice interesting input into it. Scotty
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Paul Graupp


Macon Ga USA
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2004 9:14 am    
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For everyone in both of these threads...

Regards, Paul
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John Macy


Rockport TX/Denver CO
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2004 10:39 am    
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I always enjoy Donny's posts. We have gotten in each others face a little bit a couple of times, but it's always been with mutual respect, and I have had some fine off-line conversations with him. Respectful disagreement is great around here ...

[This message was edited by John Macy on 21 November 2004 at 10:39 AM.]

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c c johnson


killeen,tx usa * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2004 11:33 am    
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cream puffs at 50 yds. No wait; 100 yds. CC
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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2004 2:08 pm    
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The amicable adult method is definitely preferred, but if one of the parties is a bonehead, or the subject is a more weighty one than "What guage strings were used on old Ricks" it can be a bit more trying.

I might add that the most memorable one that Mr Bell really showed his stuff on was a discussion of Universals. In the Process, Mr Franklin decided to learn to post tablature, and we all benefitted immensely. Mr Bell showed that Universal Tunings are not necesarily a refuge for "the lazy". Nobody's ox was gored.

Also a couple tuning threads where bot the people that tune "in tune" agreed that the people that tune "out of tune" both are happy with the way each party tunes, and that it's "how you play" that is the most important.

I like it best when neither side resorts to recrimination, or name calling, unless the person really begs for it.

What I find most offensive is the threats of lawsuits.

Luckily there are only a couple glaring offenders. Maybe less than that.

I'll keep reading and appreciating the input, as well as the place to put my thoughts down in my declining years.

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Glyn Bone


Halifax.Nova Scotia. Canada * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 22 Nov 2004 5:31 am    
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Eric, " boneheads?"....are you maligning my name mon ami ? .

Just joshin`, actually it is great when two ( or more) who disagree can show respect for the others point of view and continue to converse in an amicable manner, especially when it is in such a public arena such as this....why the `ell would we want to behave like Politicians at question time beats me.

just my 2cents worth, I enjoy this forum and contributors and get a bit upset when I see dissention rearing its ugly head ( bone or otherwise).

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Bill Ford

Graniteville SC Aiken
Post  Posted 22 Nov 2004 5:41 am    
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""cream puffs at 50 yds. No wait; 100 yds. CC""

I respectfully disagree, Make it armslength..why waste a good creampuff.

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2004 5:11 pm    
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Fred, you give me too much credit, but I thank you nevertheless for the kind words! I do sometimes get upset, but I try to temper my words as much as possible, and a two-paragraph post may take me half-an-hour to phrase so that most will understand what I'm trying to convey. Some think I'm bullheaded...well, maybe sometimes. But it's only because I'm not fooled by bullchips, fluff, and style. I can spot a phoney a mile away. I know ability when I hear it, and I also know good music from bad music. As a matter of fact, I've gotten into heated debates with others here who contend there's no such thing as "bad music". It's not me, however, but the natural law of the universe that dictates that everything must have an opposite.

Good music is no exception.
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Dan Tyack


Olympia, WA USA
Post  Posted 8 Dec 2004 6:33 pm    
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nd a two-paragraph post may take me half-an-hour to phrase so that most will understand what I'm trying to convey

Was it Mark Twain who appogized for writing a long letter, because he didn't have time to write a short one?

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Chris Forbes


Beltsville, MD, USA
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2004 3:41 am    
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Donny, if you recognize bullchip, fluff and style when you hear it, for God's sake, PLEASE DON'T COME HEAR ME PLAY!!!!!!!
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2004 6:27 am    
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Ah yes, good subject.
I like it best when neither side resorts to recrimination, or name calling, unless the person really begs for it.

I just started a thread, and it is down that path already.
Much to my great regret.

Fred this is a great oservation of conflict resolution.

We might likely have much less trouble in the world if more could be like this.

Words are dangerous things... if used poorly.

***** Yep closed... on schedual.

[This message was edited by David L. Donald on 09 December 2004 at 09:27 AM.]

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Chuck Cusimano


Weatherford, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 9 Dec 2004 12:50 pm    
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I gotta go with the old saying my mom used to always preach to me and my brother. (Just cuz she never followed her own advice, is thru no fault of mine)
"IF YOU CAN'T SAY SOMETHING NICE, DON'T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL" I let a lot of things slide, when someone comes off with an ugly remark, but I have to bite my tongue sometimes. I read a great motto that I like: "Don't mistake my kindness for weaknes."

[This message was edited by Chuck Cusimano on 10 December 2004 at 12:06 PM.]

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David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 10 Dec 2004 6:04 am    
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"I have made this [letter] longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter."

Blaise Pascal, "Lettres provinciales", letter 16, 1657

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Chuck Cusimano


Weatherford, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 10 Dec 2004 12:08 pm    
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Thanks Myron, I fixed it!
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