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Author Topic:  Unusual Home Made Pedal Steels
Dave A. Burley


Franklin, In. USA
Post  Posted 27 Nov 2004 11:29 am    
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The thought of unusual homemade pedal steel guitars takes me back to the mid sixties.
Larry Updyke, of Muskegon, Michigan, had a Fender 400 which I learned my early steel on.
He had a bright idea. He was going to make a steel with automatic pedals.
He took an old steel guitar and wired it up with celunoids on each pedal, the idea being that when you hit the pedal, the celunoid would automatically lower the pedal.
I was there at his home the day he completed it.
He hooked it up to his amplifier and it worked great except for one thing...He forgot that the celunoids would make a loud noise when they were engaged and the resulting sound through his amplifier was deafening.
It was really hilarious and we laughed about it for years.
Dave A. Burley
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 27 Nov 2004 1:03 pm    
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Dave-Back in 1953 when I attended the NAMM music trade show, They demonstrated a Magn-Tone guitar and I played it. It had 6 or 8(I cant remember) solenoids right on top of the guitar. When you pushed one , it chaneged the chord or tuning.

You are right, the first one that I pushed , I jumped back like a bomb went off. Needless to say, I got up and walked

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