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Author Topic:  Working on a resonator guitar
Steve Schaefer


Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Post  Posted 20 Dec 2003 12:35 pm    
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I have a Black Widow liberty guitar. I would like to tinker with it to see if I could improve the tone and stop some small buzzing problems. The tone and sustain on the high DBG string seems OK, but the low strings lacks sustain and have a muffled sound.

It has a 10 1/2 inch spun resonator cone and a Spider Bridge but it’s not a Quarterman. The Nut is made of plastic and I am not sure what the bridge is made out of.

How hard is it to shape and cut the slots in the bridge and nut?

Since the cone is spun do I need to upgrade this to a Quarterman?

Also where is a good place to purchase parts besides Elderly?

I have the Paul Beard Video on repair and maintenance and he makes it look like I could do the work my self or should I just ship it off to somebody that knows what they are doing?


Steve Schaefer

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Ron Randall


Dallas, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 20 Dec 2003 8:10 pm    
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Stewart McDonald catalog or has lots of reso parts.
Most good reso setups use a maple insert for the bridge, and a bone nut. Stewmac has the blanks. Buy 2, they are cheap.

If you are handy with little files and sandpaper, you can do this yourself.
Check out

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